Dr. Cheung Ka Luen
Senior Lecturer I
Dr. Cheung teaches undergraduate and postgraduate classes in mathematics and mathematics education at the EDUHK. His primary research interest is on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. He also conducts research in Mathematics Problem Solving, Number Sense, Geometric Thinking, E-Learning in Mathematics and STEM education.
Research Interests
Partial Differential Equations, Geometric Thinking, Mathematics Education, E-Learning in Mathematics
Selected Outputs
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
- Dai, Q. & Cheung, K. L. (2015). The Wisdom of Traditional Mathematical Teaching in China. L. Fan, N.Y. Wong, J. Cai., & S. Li (Eds.), How Chinese teach mathematics: Perspectives from insiders (3-42). Singapore: World Scientific.
- 黃毅英 (主編)、張僑平 (副主編)、蔡勁航、黃麗珍、謝明初、張家麟、陳鎮民、蘇洪雨和許世紅(2012):《數學教師不怕給學生難倒了!——中小學數學教師所需的數學知識》,武漢,華中師範大學出版社。繁體版(2013)香港:課程發展處數學教育組。
- Wong, N. Y., Zhang, Q. P., Xu, S. H., Chen, Z. M., Cheung, K. L., Wong, L. C., Xie, M. C., Su, H. Y., & Choi, K. H. (2012). Mathematics teachers are not afraid of students’ question: What mathematics teacher need to know (In Chinese). Wuhan, P.R. China: Central China Normal University.
- Cheung, K.L. (2011). Axiomatic Systems. Sarah J. Greenwald & Jill E. Thomley, The Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society (84-85). CA: Salem Press.
- Cheung, K.L. (2011). Conic Sections. Sarah J. Greenwald & Jill E. Thomley, The Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society (235-238). CA: Salem Press.
- 張家麟、黃毅英(2011):《從「微積分簡介」看數學觀與數學教學觀》,香港,香港教育局,課程發展處數學教育組。
- 張家麟、關樹培(2010):《從KC 七面體到CK 八面體》,江紹祥、梁志強,《數學教育的探究學習討論會論文集(一) 》,(26-41),香港,香港教育局,課程發展處數學教育組。
- 張家麟、黃毅英、韓藝詩 (2009). 《漫談數學學與教— 新高中數學課程必修部分》. 香港: 香港教育局-課程發展處數學教育組.
- 韓藝詩、黃毅英、張家麟(2009):《漫談數學學與教 — 新高中數學課程延伸部分(單元一)》,香港,香港教育局 - 課程發展處數學教育組。
- 黃毅英、張家麟、韓藝詩 (2009). 《漫談數學學與教 — 新高中數學課程延伸部分(單元二)》. 香港: 香港教育局 - 課程發展處數學教育組.
Journal Publications
- Cheung, K. L. & Wong, S. (2021). Finite-time singularity formation for C^1 solutions to the compressible Euler equations with time-dependent damping. Applicable Analysis, 100, 1774-1785
- Yeung, C. H., & Cheung K. L., & Lin X. Y. (2021). Using the Flipped Classroom Model for Student Pre-laboratory Preparation in a Science Course: An Action Research Study. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 14, 1
- Cheung, K.L. (2021). Global existence of the three‐dimensional compressible Euler equations for generalized Chaplygin gas with damping. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44(2), 1176-1184
- Wan, S. L. Y., Cheung, K. L., & Lin, X. Y. (2020). Hong Kong students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom in an advanced psychology course: A case study. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 31(4), 109-129
- Cheung, K.L. & Wong, S. (2020). On finite-time blowup mechanism of irrotational compressible Euler equations with time-dependent damping. Applicable Analysis, Online Publication, 1-15
- Cheung, K.L. & Wong, S. (2020). The Lifespan of Classical Solutions to the (Damped) Compressible Euler Equations. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Online Publication, 1-13
- Yee, Tat-Leung, Cheung, Ka Luen, Ho, Kwok-Pun & Suen, Chun Kit (2020). Local sharp maximal functions, geometrical maximal functions and rough maximal functions on local Morrey spaces with variable exponents. Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 23(4), 1509-1528
- Cheung, K.L. & Wong, S. (2020). Finite-time blowup of smooth solutions for the relativistic generalized Chaplygin Euler equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 489, 1-14
- Cheung, K. L. & Wong, S. (2020). Finite-time singularity formation for the original multidimensional compressible Euler equations for generalized Chaplygin gas. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 71:62, 1-15
- Cheung, K. L. (2020). New weighted functional for non-existence of global solutions to the non-isentropic compressible Euler equations (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2019.11.008). The European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 80(2020), 26-31.
- Cheung, K.L.& Yang, D.C. (2020). Performance of sixth graders in Hong Kong on a number sense three-tier test. Educational Studies, 46 (1), 39-55.
- Cheung, K. L. & Wong, S. (2019). Finite-time singularity formation for C^1 solutions to the compressible Euler equations with time-dependent damping (https://doi.org/10.1080/00036811.2019.1659961). Applicable Analysis, 98, 1-12.
- Cheung, K. L. (2019). Multiplicity Results for the Scalar Curvature Equation on S^2. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 14, No 1(2019), 17-46.
- Cheung, K.L.& Yang, D.C. (2018). Performance of sixth graders in Hong Kong on a number sense three-tier test. Educational Studies, 4X, 1-21.
- Cheung, K. L. (2018). Blowup of solutions for the initial boundary value problem of the 3‐dimensional compressible damped Euler equations. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41(12), 4754-4762.
- Cheung, K. L. (2018). On dry spot and droplet solutions for thin films on the plane. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 69:89, 1-16.
- Cheung, K.L. & Yang, D.C. (2018). Examining the Differences of Hong Kong and Taiwan Students’ Performance on the Number Sense Three-tier Test. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2018, 14(7), 3329-3345.
- Cheung, K.L., Wong S. and Yuen M.W. (2018). Blowup Phenomenon for the Initial-boundary Value Problem of the Non-isentropic Compressible Euler Equations. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 59, 041502.
- Cheung, K. L. & Chou, K. S. (2017). Energy stability of droplets and dry spots in a thin film model of hanging drops. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 68:104, 1-21.
- Cheung, K. L. (2017). Finite Propagation Speed and Finite Time Blowup of the Euler Equations for Generalized Chaplygin Gas. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 12, No.1(2017), 51-63.
- Cheung, K. L. & Chou, K. S. (2017). A symmetry result for an elliptic problem arising from the 2-d thin film equation. Proceedings of American Mathematical Society, 145, 853-860.
- Cheung, K. L. (2017). Blowup phenomena for the N-dimensional compressible Euler equations with damping. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 68:27, 1-8.
- An, H.L., Cheung, K.L. and Yuen, M.W. (2016). Perturbational Self-similar Solutions for the 2-component Degasperis-Procesi System via a Characteristic Method. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 40, 1237-1245.
- Cheung, K. L. (2016). Rotational and Self-similar Blowup Solutions for the Euler Equations for Generalized Chaplygin Gas. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 11, No.4(2016), 317-330.
- Cheung, K.L. and Suen, A. (2016). Existence and Uniqueness of Small Energy Weak Solution to multi- dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Large External Potential Force. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57 (8), 081513, 1-19.
- Cheung, K. L. (2016). Perturbational Blowup Solutions to the Two-Component Dullin-Gottwald-Holm System. The Scientific World Journal, 2016, 1-5.
- Cheung, K. L. (2016). Perturbational Blowup Solutions to the Compressible Euler Equations with Damping. SpringerPlus, Retrieved from: http://www.springerplus.com/content/5/1/196, on line publication, 5, 1-9.
- Cheung, K. L. (2016). On Blowup Phenomenon of Solutions to the Euler Equations for Generalized Chaplygin Gas. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 11, No.1(2016), 1-16.
- Cheung, K. L. & Wong, S. (2016). Blowup Phenomenon of Solutions for the IBVP of the Compressible Euler Equations in Spherical Symmetry. The Scientific World Journal, Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/3781760, on line publicaiton, 2016, 1-6.
- Cheung, K. L., & Wong, S. (2015). Stabilities for Nonisentropic Euler-Poisson Equations. The Scientific World Journal, Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/494707, on line publicaiton, 2015, 1-6.
- Cheung, Ka Luen (2014). Exact Self-similar Perturbational Solutions of Whitham-Broer-Kaup Equations. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 8, no. 154, 7693-7701.
- Cheung, Ka Luen (2014). Exact solutions for the two-dimensional incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 8, no. 119, 5915-5922.
- Cheung, Ka Luen, Ho, Kwok-Pun (2014). Boundedness of Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on block spaces with variable exponent. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Volume 64, Issue 1, pp159-171.
- An, H.L., Cheung, K.L. and Yuen, M.W. (2013). A Class of Blowup and Global Analytical Solutions of the Viscoelastic Burgers' Equations. Physics Letters A, 377, 2275-2279.
- Leung, I. K. C., Wong, N. Y., Schwarz, B., Cheung, K. L., Chan, W. S., & Kaiser, G. (2013). Competency of Prospective Chinese Mathematics Teachers on Mathematical Argumentation and Proof. The Mathematics Educator, 15(1), 74-90.
- Cheung, K. L., Yeung, L. K. & Cheng, K. W. (2013). Notes on the learning and teaching of "circle" in the primary school. Datum, 46, 109-122.
- Cheung, Ka Luen (2013). A discussion on the ruler and compass construction of regular pentagon. Datum, 46, 60-76.
- Cheung, Ka-Luen & Zhang, Zhenyu (2012). Nonexistence of Global Solutions for a Family of Nonlocal or Higher Order Parablolic Problems. Differential and Integral Equations, 25, 787-800.
- Cheung, K.L. and Yuen, M.W. (2012). Some Exact Blowup or Global Solutions for the Non-isentropic Navier-Stokes Equations with Density-dependent Viscosity. Results in Physics, 2, 55-57.
- 張家麟、林智中、黃毅英、何上沛(2011):香港新高中數學科校本評核:英國 GCSE 學科作業及澳洲昆士蘭州校本評核的啟示,《Education Journal 《教育學報》》,39(1-2),95-115。
- 張家麟、鄭曉暉(2011):什麼是負正則連分數? — 漫談Reg與Neg,《《數學傳播》》,35(3),50-63。
- CHEUNG, Ka Luen and CHOU, Kai Seng (2010). On the stability of single and multiple droplets for equations of thin film type. Nonlinearity, 23(12), 3003-3028.
- 張家麟、黃毅英、林智中(2010):學校幾何課程的重整 ─為何教和如何教演繹幾何?,《《數學傳播》》,34(3),13-33。
- 張家麟、黃毅英(2010):《為文科生寫的矩陣簡介》,《香港數理教育學會會刊》,第26卷,17-24。
- 張家麟(2010):從解「橫越沙漠」趣題談起 — 數學通識科手記,《數學教育期刊》,45,31-39。
- 黃衡之、曾耀平、張家麟(2010):當電筒照在牆壁上 — 不要錯過探究數學的機會!,《數學教育期刊》,45,75-84。
- Wong, Ngai-Ying; Rowland, Tim; Chan,Wing-Sum; Cheung, Ka-Luen & Han, Ngai-Sze (2010). Mathematical Knowledge of Elementary School Teachers: A Comparative Perspective. Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series D: Research in Mathematical Education, 14(2), 187-207.
- 張家麟(2009):皎潔終無倦:以摯誠求證真理 , 一個女數學家的故事,《《數學教育期刊》》,第44期,頁32-38。
- 袁震東,梁貫成,黃毅英,張家麟(2009):辯證、平和、周密細緻的數學課程改革──香港數學教育訪談錄,《《數學教學》》,2009年第7期,封二-頁6。
- 黃毅英、張家麟(2009):探討橢圓的學與教(上),《《中學數學》》,7月下,1-4。
- 黃毅英、張家麟(2009):探討橢圓的學與教(續),《《中學數學》》,8月上,1-3。
Conference Papers
- Cheung, K. L. (2020, 12). Exploring preservice teachers’ self-regulation in a virtual flipped mathematics classroom. Paper presented at the ICLT 2020 Symposium: Flipping in the Virtual Education World - Sharing of Pedagogies and Practices. International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020, Hong Kong
- Ng, W.S. & Cheung, K.L. (2019, 7). The Effectiveness of Peer Assessment in the Flipped Classroom. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education ICICTE 2019 , Chania, Crete, Greece
- Cheung, K.L., Kong, S. C. & Ng, W.S. (2019, May). Using Peer Assessment to Facilitate Student Learning in Flipped Classroom. Lilly-Asia:Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong.
- Yang, D. C. & Cheung K. L. (2018, January). Examining the differences of Hong Kong and Taiwan students’ performance on the. 2018 Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation, Macau.
- Cheung K. L. & Yang, D. C. (2017, December). The study of Hong Kong 5th and 6th graders’ performance on the number sense. WERA-HKERA 2017 International Conference, EDUHK, Hong Kong.
- Cheung, K. L. (2015, June). Cyclotomic Method on the e-Learning Platform. Emergiing Practiices in E-Learniing and Mathematiics Educatiion, Hong Kong.
- Cheung Ka Luen (2014, June). When the "Gold Needle" meets the "Tablet" - on the learning and teaching of geometry. Mathematics Learning and e-Learning in the Twenty-First Century, Hong Kong.
- Yeung, Y.Y., Cheung, K.L. and Sjøberg, S. (2013, July). University students’ choices of science and mathematics related programmes in Mainland China. East-Asian Association for Science Education 2013 International Conference, 4-6 July 2013, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Cheung, K. L. (2013, June). How to use “Proof Without Words” for the Inquiry-based Learning and Teaching in Mathematics. A talk delivered at the Inquiry-based learning in Mathematics and e-Learning in Green and Cloud Computing Environment Seminar, HKIEd, Hong Kong.
- Cheung, K. L. (2012, December). How pre-service mathematics teachers develop their knowledge for teaching through their interactions with students?. The 3rd East Asian International Conference On Teacher Education Research, Shanghai, China.
- Cheung Ka Luen (2012, June). "IT" combines with "Euclid's Elements" - on the learning and teaching of some basic topics in plane geometry. 《學校教育的數碼教室與處理學習差異的數學教育》研討會, Hong Kong.
- 張家麟 (2011, June). 從評估看香港小學的多邊形學習. 發展21世紀能力的電子學習-運用評估促進數學的學習研討會, 香港.
- 梁景信、張家麟(2011,6):數學歸納法的教與學,香港數學教育會議2011,香港。
- Kwan, S. P. & Cheung, K.L (2009, September). The van Hiele Phases of Learning in studying Cube Dissection. Conference of Models in Developing Mathematics Education at Dresden, Germany.
- Leung, I. K. C., Wong, N. Y., Chan, W. S., Cheung, K. L., & Han, N. S. (2008, June). The competence of potential mathematics teachers of Hong Kong: A comparative perspective. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference of Mathematical Education, Mexico, Monterrey.
- Ngai, Y. W., Rowland , T., Chan, W. S., Cheung, K. L., & Han, N. S. (2008, June). To what extent are our mathematics teachers eqipped with adequate mathematics to teach? A comparative perpective. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference of Mathematical Education, Mexico, Monterrey.
- 張家麟(2008,4):割圓往後又如何?談一些17到18世紀的數學思維,論文發表於「數學教育研討會2008:數學思考和解題」,香港。
All Other Outputs
- Cheung Ka Luen (2014). Review of a journal article for Cogent Education. Taylor & Francis Group.
- Cheung Ka Luen (2013). Review of a journal article in Educational Research Journal.
- Cheung, Ka Luen (2010). Review of a journal article. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching.
- Cheung, Ka Luen (2009). Review of a journal article. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching.
- 張家麟(2007):文章評審,《數學教育學報》。
Research Projects
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Development for EdUHK and Secondary School Students
This project aims at offering workshops for EdUHK and secondary school students to develop their AI literacy. A total of 360 students will be covered in two years. In addition, the set of tailored teaching materials can be deployed by other educators.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Strategic Development of the EdU Online Classes Platform (EOCP) for the Enhancement of Online Learning and Teaching in Local Schools
The project is a crisis management strategy for facing the sudden and big switch of teaching and learning mode in the educational sector. The project goal is to transform the crisis of the prolonged suspension of on-campus teaching and learning to be an opportunity for the comprehensive implementation of online teaching and learning.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, HUI, Yan Keung, John 許仁強 (CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
New Initial Functional Condition for Singularity Formation of Euler Equations with Background Density
To obtain singularity formation results for the N-dimensional isentropic and non-isentropic Euler equations with background density by studying functional relations in the systems.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
E-learning Materials in Mathematics for Primary School Students
This project aims at producing high quality animated video clips with songs to enable primary school students to learn and understand various mathematical concepts with fun. The direct beneficiaries include primary school students, their teachers, and parents.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Singularity Formation of the Compressible Euler Equations for Modified Generalized Chaplygin Gas and Its Related Systems
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Blow-up Phenomenon of the Compressible Euler Equations for Generalized Chaplygin Gas and Beyond
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Enhancing Students’ Mathematics Learning through Instructional STEM Activities with Mathematical Modeling
Project Start Year : 2019 Chief Investigator(s) : LING, Man Ho Alpha 凌萬豪 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
Inequalities and Operators on Morrey Type Spaces with Applications to the Euler Equations under Damping
This project will study important operators and establish related inequalities on Morrey Type Spaces, and investigate their applications to the Euler Equations under Damping.
Project Start Year : 2019 Chief Investigator(s) : CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Adaptive Scaffolding for Learning Fraction among Students with Learning Disabilities
Scaffolding is generally attributed to Wood, Bruner and Ross (1978) who describe it is as a: ∙∙∙process that enables a child or a novice to solve a problem, carry out a task, or achieve a goal which would be beyond his unassisted efforts (p. 90). If . . .
Project Start Year : 2018 Chief Investigator(s) : SUN, Daner 孫丹兒 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Principal Investigator)
Development of E-learning Package to Enhance Learning and Teaching Probability and Statistics
Innovative digital learning objects will be developed with a powerful statistical tool, R, and an appropriate curriculum will be designed in this project, to facilitate teaching and learning of probability distributions.
Project Start Year : 2018 Chief Investigator(s) : LING, Man Ho Alpha 凌萬豪 ; YEE, Tat Leung 余達良 ; CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Study of Global Existence of the Solutions to the 3-dimensional Euler Equations for Generalized Chaplygin Gas in the Vacuum
We will study in this project the Global Existence of the Solutions to the 3-dimensional Euler Equations for Generalized Chaplygin Gas in the Vacuum under the affine damping.
Project Start Year : 2018 Chief Investigator(s) : CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Effective Implementation of the Flipped Classroom Approach in Hong Kong Higher Education for Enhanced Learning Outcomes
The notion of ‘flipped classroom’ has attracted much attention in recent years because it has the potential of substantially enhance teaching and learning. Flipping the classroom is regarded to have strong theoretical basis of the learning enhancemen . . .
Project Start Year : 2017 Chief Investigator(s) : Dr. LAM Lai Chuen, Paul (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
Mathematical Concept Development for Secondary School Students through e-Learning
To promote mathematics e-Learning in local secondary schools, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) initiates a project titled “Mathematical Concept Development for Secondary School Students through E-Learning” with generous donation from the . . .
Project Start Year : 2017 Chief Investigator(s) : KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 ; CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
An investigation on the blowup problem for the N-dimensional non-isentropic compressible Euler equations
Project Start Year : 2016 Chief Investigator(s) : CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
The N-dimensional Isentropic Compressible Euler Equations for the Generalized Chaplygin Gas
Project Start Year : 2016 Chief Investigator(s) : CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “E-pedagogy in Mathematics Learning and Teaching”
This project aims to develop a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) as an exemplar of professional development for all academic and teaching staff at EdUHK/HKIEd. To meet the need for enriching primary and secondary teachers’ professional development re . . .
Project Start Year : 2015 Chief Investigator(s) : KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
Good Teaching Practice – Incorporation of Development of Generic Skills into Course Teaching at Higher Education Context
The present project is related to Community of Practice (CoP). It aims to promote good teaching practice with the focus of incorporating the generic intended learning outcomes (GILOs) in course teaching and develop a peer sharing atmosphere on campus . . .
Project Start Year : 2015 Chief Investigator(s) : CHENG, May Hung May 鄭美紅 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
Analytical Solutions for 2-component Shallow Water System
In the proposal, we study the symmetry reduction of some shallow water equations, for example the 2-component Camassa–Holm, Dullin-Gottwald-Holm, Degasperis-Procesi, Fornberg-Whitham and Degasperis-Procesi Equations. The shallow water systems are imp . . .
Project Start Year : 2013 Chief Investigator(s) : YUEN, Man Wai 阮文威 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
TDG Project: Teaching and learning portfolios for active, engaged and reflective learning
This project aims to: (a) design and develop e-portfolios via the Mahara environment to enhance active, engaged and reflective learning; (b) select, design and develop suitable learning and teaching materials for incorporation in the e-portfolios; (c . . .
Project Start Year : 2012 Chief Investigator(s) : POON, Kin Keung Eric 潘建強 ; KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 ; MAN, Yiu Kwong 文耀光 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
An Investigation into Properties of Droplets for Thin Film Type Equations on the Plane
The research will focus on the analysis of steady states solutions including the droplet shaped solutions (droplets) of the thin film type equation on the disk. We shall investigate:(i) the energy stability properties of these solutions, (ii) the uni . . .
Project Start Year : 2011 Chief Investigator(s) : CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Enhancing the relationship of teaching and learning: What is the knowledege base of teaching and how can it facititate learning?
The relation of teaching and learning rests on how theories can be linked to practice. Very often, teaching theories emerge and vary in quite a number of ways and they do not readily respond to what students need to know. With this in mind, Shulman a . . .
Project Start Year : 2011 Chief Investigator(s) : CHAN, Kin Sang, Jacqueline 陳健生 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
Evaluation of effectiveness of e-learning materials in senior secondary science and mathematics subjects
The provision of quality and sufficient resources of interactive self-learning is one of the main foci of the third round of Hong Kong Government’s strategic policy to integrate ICT (Information and Communications Technology) in learning and teaching . . .
Project Start Year : 2011 Chief Investigator(s) : YEUNG, Yau Yuen 楊友源 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Team Member)
Evaluation of effectiveness of e-learning materials in senior secondary science and mathematics subjects
The HKIEd Project Team shall conduct an evaluation on the effectiveness of e-learning materials in senior secondary science and mathematics subjects as developed by the Hanlun Information Limited.
Project Start Year : 2011 Chief Investigator(s) : YEUNG, Yau Yuen 楊友源 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Team Member)
Littlewood-Paley Characterization of Function Spaces and Variable Exponent Analysis
The main purpose of this research is the study of some new function spaces defined via the Littlewood-Paley function.
Project Start Year : 2011 Chief Investigator(s) : HO, Kwok Pun Victor 何國斌 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
Undertaking of the International Project on ‘Interests and Recruitment in Science’ in Hong Kong and Guangzhou
This is a pilot study of a large proposal which is based on the international comparative research project called Interests & Recruitment in Science (IRIS), which aims to help improve recruitment, retention, and gender equity patterns within STM educ . . .
Project Start Year : 2011 Chief Investigator(s) : YEUNG, Yau Yuen 楊友源 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
Developing Exploratory Pedagogy to Enhance Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
This project aims to: (a) develop exploratory pedagogy for enhancing teaching and learning of mathematics; (b) design and develop relevant exploratory teaching and learning materials for use by lecturers and students; (c) study the impact of the end- . . .
Project Start Year : 2010 Chief Investigator(s) : MAN, Yiu Kwong 文耀光 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
Conference on Mathematical Teaching and Assessment
The main objective is to provide an opportunity for the students/participants of the institute to learn more about teaching and assessment of mathematics. It consists of two conferences, one in March and another one in May of 2009. In March, the conf . . .
Project Start Year : 2009 Chief Investigator(s) : CHENG CHUN CHOR, LITWIN 鄭振初 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
Pre-Service Teacher’s Skills on Modeling - A comparison between Pre-Service Teachers from Various of Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong
To investigate how well pre-service teachers in teaching mathematics problems in a modeling perspective in terms of lesson preparation, class room instruction, beliefs and practice besides the subject content knowledge.
Project Start Year : 2009 Chief Investigator(s) : CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
The 27th Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (HKMO)
The 27th HKMO was jointly organized by the MIT department and the math section of EdB. It aims to promote, encourage and sustain Secondary 4 students’ interests in the study of mathematics. In the 27th HKMO, there were 258 schools and 1350 students p . . .
Project Start Year : 2009 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Team Member)
Competencies in Argumentation and Proof - A Comparative Study of Future Mathematics Teachers from Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan
To investigate the competence of mathematics pre-service teachers in logical argumentation, mathematical proving and modeling from Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan.
Project Start Year : 2008 Chief Investigator(s) : CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Competencies in Argumentation of Proof – A Comparative Study of Future Mathematics Teachers from Australia, Germany, and Hong Kong
We have to invite Bjorn Schwarz to come over Hong Kong to develop a coding system for the analysis of the data set in questionnaires forms we have collected from Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan We have learnt the technique and methodology in cod . . .
Project Start Year : 2008 Chief Investigator(s) : LEUNG, Kui Chiu Issic 梁鉅超 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
The Interface between the New Senior Secondary Curriculum and the Tertiary Education
The endorsement of the HKSAR to adopt a 3-year senior secondary and 4-year undergraduate academic system to be implemented in 2009-2012 will mark a new page of the Hong Kong education system. Under the new sywstem, a new curriculum, namely, the New S . . .
Project Start Year : 2008 Chief Investigator(s) : LAM CHI CHUNG 林智中 ; CHAN, Kin Sang, Jacqueline 陳健生 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
The 25th Hong Kong Mathematics Olympaid
The HKMO is jointly organized by the MSST and the math section of EdB. It aims to promote, encourage and sustain F.4 students’ interests in the study of math; In the 25th HKMO, there were 248 schools and 1488 students participated in the heat and fin . . .
Project Start Year : 2007 Chief Investigator(s) : POON, Kin Keung Eric 潘建強 ; WONG, Tak Wah 黃德華 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
The HKIEd Longman Mathematics Day 2007
It aims to promote our Institute and Department to senior secondary students and in-service teachers, and it is achieved through involving these students and teachers in interesting and meaningful mathematics activities at our campus. These activitie . . .
Project Start Year : 2007 Chief Investigator(s) : WONG, Tak Wah 黃德華 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
The 24th Hong Kong Mathematics Olympaid
The HKMO is jointly organised by the Department of MSST, HKIEd, and the Mathematics Education Section of the EMB. It is aiming to promote, encourage and sustain student's interest in the study of mathematics, and to foster inter-school communication . . .
Project Start Year : 2006 Chief Investigator(s) : WONG, Tak Wah 黃德華 (Dr CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 as Co-Investigator)
External Appointments
- Member of the Competition of Yau High School Math(Asia) Panel (2015)
- Member of the Executive Committee of the Hang Lung Mathematics Awards jointly organized by the Hang Lung Properties Ltd.and the Department of Mathematics and IMS, CUHK (2005 - present)
- Member of the Mathematmics Working Group of the The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (2014 - present)
- Adjudicator for the Student Biennial Conference of the The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (2013 - present)
- Member of the Curriculum Development Council (香港課程發展議會)Committee on Mathematics Education (2009 - 2015)
- Adjudicator of Essay and Comics competition, Mathematical Database HK and the HKAGE (2006 - 2012)
- Organizing Committee of the Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad jointly orgainized by the EDB and the HKIEd (2006 - 2009)
Prizes and Awards
President's Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching 2011/12
The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching is established in 2011/12 to recognize and reward excellence in teaching and to promote fostering of teaching innovations, enhancing student learning and scholarship
Date of receipt: 7/5/2012 Conferred by: Hong Kong Institute of Education
Excellence in Teaching Award 2010-11
The recipient has deomonstrated exemplary teaching.
Date of receipt: 31/5/2011 Conferred by: Faculty of Arts and Sciences, HKIEd

Dr. Cheung Ka Luen
Senior Lecturer I