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News & Events

Master of Education Life and Values Education (MEd LVE) Area of Focus


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What is LVE?

Life and values education is a holistic approach to education that involves the collaboration of students, teachers, and schools to promote the whole development of the student. Life education helps students develop respectful relationships with others, the environment, and the world, while values education promotes tolerance and understanding between members of communities and societies. Along with acquiring academic knowledge, teaching students values, moral education, and life education are also considered to be important. These topics need not be covered only in a classroom setting but can be taught to students in informal settings too. For example, during break time, while playing sports, queuing for lunch, when talking to their peers, etc. Teaching the value of respect should not occur in the classroom only, but should be included in the whole ethos of the school. Life and values education may differ slightly in different societies or cultures but there are common aspects that we can all agree are important for students to learn.

Why is LVE important?

Life and values education helps to develop the personality of the student, develop good moral values, develop citizenship (both local and global), develop 'tolerance, respect, empathy, equality, solidarity and critical thinking' (Iberdrola, 2020) skills in students.

What MEd courses are offered in this Area of Focus?

•    Life and Values Education: Ethics and Spirituality in Intercultural and Comparative Perspectives

•    Teaching and Learning in Ethics and Values Education: International Debates and Trends

•    Teaching and Learning of Life Education and Life-Planning Education: The Debate in 21st Century Competencies

•    Whole School Development and Leadership in Life and Values Education: Local and Global Contexts and Issues


Course Descriptions: https://www.eduhk.hk/fehd/en/popup_message.php?id=3267

Student's Feedback: https://www.eduhk.hk/ie/en/highlights.php?id=6161&s=news_event

Master of Education Programme (MEd): https://www.eduhk.hk/gradsch/index.php/prospective-students/programmes/master-of-education-med.html

Online application: http://www.eduhk.hk/acadprog/online/



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