​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​June 2016

人文學院通訊 FHM Newsletter dUHK Hosts International Conference to Promote International Chinese Language Teaching Activities 27 Over one hundred fifty experts, scholars and educators gathered at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) on 28 May for the Second International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language – The IB Philosophy and Chinese Language Teaching, organised by the Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL) and the Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language programme at EdUHK, and co-organised by the School of Chinese at The University of Hong Kong. The conference provided an exchange platform on which experts and scholars of teaching Chinese as a second language from countries around the world could discuss the current situation, innovations in and development of the subject area. The theme of the conference also covered the International Baccalaureate (IB) concept, which initiated numerous discussions. Professor Si Chung Mou, Head of CHL and conference chairperson, said that the conference had brought together internationally renowned scholars to explore the latest developments in teaching Chinese as a second language. He went on comment that “EdUHK will strive for excellence in areas related to Chinese linguistics, language education, teaching Chinese as a second language and related research, achieving a world-leading standard and becoming a teaching and research hub with international influence”. Keynote speakers at the conference included Professor Yuan Boping from the University of Cambridge and Dr. Wang Xiaoping, the Chief Chinese Adviser of the English Schools Foundation in Hong Kong. Participants came from mainland China, Hong Kong, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Korea, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Apart from the experts and scholars in attendance, frontline teachers from international schools also participated, and 66 papers were presented. 超過150名國際漢語教學專家、學者與教師在5月28 日聚集於香港教育大學(教大),出席由教大人文學院 中國語言學系及國際漢語教學文學碩士課程主辦、香 港大學中文學院協辦的「第二屆國際漢語教學研討會 國際文憑課程(IB)理念與語言教學」。 此次研討會為世界各國漢語教學專家、學者和教師 搭建交流平台,探討國際漢語教學的現狀、革新與 發展。本屆大會主題除了探討與國際漢語教學研究 相關的課題外,更加入IB理念,讓學者及專家參與 討論,促進學科的深入發展。 研討會主席、教大中國語言學系系主任施仲謀教授 表示,這次學術交流匯聚全球著名的漢語專家,探 討漢語教學的最新發展,對剛獲正名的教大而言, 是一個難得的機會。他說:「期望教大在漢語語言 學、語文教育以及漢語作為第二語言教學和研究等 領域,能精益求精,在各相關範疇達到世界領先水 平,成為具有國際影響力的教研中心。」 研討會主講嘉賓包括劍橋大學的袁博平教授和英基 20多所學校(ESF)的中文總顧問王小平博士。與會學 者分別來自埃及、哈薩克、菲律賓、韓國、日本、 馬來西亞、泰國、新加坡、越南、中國內地、台灣 和澳門等地,除專家及學者外,更有來自國際學校 的前線教師參與其中,報告論文共66篇。 教大主辦國際研討會推動國際漢語教育 E