​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​June 2016

人文學院通訊 FHM Newsletter 22 The Fong Yun Wah Distinguished Lecture Series, organized since 2009 with the generous donation from Fong’s Family Foundation, has been held for seven consecutive years. The annual programme aims to promote academic exchange in Chinese Culture, Literature and Linguistics through lectures delivered by leading academics from Mainland China and dialogue with HK’s academics. In October 2015, three renowned scholars from Peking University delivered the inspirational lectures, shared their expertise and discussed with Hong Kong-based guests. They gave great demonstrations of research and teaching for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, and also presented the significance of ancient Chinese to modern times. The programme benefited a large external and internal audience of more than three hundred and sixty people. Details of the lecturers this year are given below: 在方潤華基金的慷慨贊助下,方潤華講座自2009年舉辦至今已經 第七屆。講座旨在每年邀請在中國文學、語言學及文化範疇有卓 越成就的國內知名學者到教育大學演講,促進教院師生與專家學 者的學術交流。 第七屆方潤華講座已於2015年10月成功舉行,今年講座邀請到北 京大學三位教授蒞臨演講,分享精闢的學術見解之餘,亦為研究 及教學樹立楷模。嘉賓及主持的精彩對談帶動場內氣氛,嘉賓回 應台下師生提問等環節, 皆令出席者獲益匪淺。 三場講座共吸引近四百 名校內外人士參與。本 年度講座詳情如下: Topic The Relation Between Neo-confucianism and Literature in Ancient China Qiujin in Literary Writings of the Twentieth Century Language Contact and Sino-Tibetan Family Speaker Prof. Liao Kebin (Peking University) Prof. Xia Xiaohong (Peking University) Prof. Chen Baoya (Peking University) Guest-in-dialogue Prof. Chen Zhi (Hong Kong Baptist University) Prof. Hua Wei (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Prof. William S. Y. Wang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Date 15/10/2015 27/10/2015 30/10/2015 The Faculty of Humanities will continue to organize the Lecture Series in the years ahead to enrich students’ learning experience while promoting studies of Chinese culture in the younger generation. 人文學院在未來數年將繼續舉辦方潤華講座,以豐富學生的學習體驗,於年青一輩中推廣學習中華文化。 廖可斌教授 (左) Prof. Liao Kebin [left] 夏曉虹教授 (中) Prof. Xia Xiaohong [centre] 陳保亞教授 (中) Prof. Chen Baoya [centre] 講題 理學與文學之關係 二十世紀文學書寫中的秋瑾 從語言接觸看漢藏語言的譜系關係 主講嘉賓 廖可斌教授 (北京大學) 夏曉虹教授 (北京大學) 陳保亞教授 (北京大學) 對談嘉賓 陳致教授 (香港浸會大學) 華瑋教授 (香港中文大學) 王士元教授 (香港理工大學) 日期 15/10/2015 27/10/2015 30/10/2015 he 7th Fong Yun Wah Distinguished Lecture Series held by the Faculty of Humanities 人文學院第七屆方潤華講座 T