​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​June 2016

人文學院通訊 FHM Newsletter The Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949: Modern Poetry, edited by Dr. Chan Chi Tak, Associate Professor in the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, won the 8th Hong Kong Book Prize, hosted by the Culture and Education Unit of Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and Hong Kong Publishing Federation and organised by the Hong Kong Public Libraries administered by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The 12-volume Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949, has been compiled by Professor Chan Kwok Kou, Leonard, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Chair Professor of Chinese Literature. Professor Chan is general editor of the Compendium. 文學及文化學系副教授陳智德博士主編的《香港文學大系19191949:新詩卷》,於香港電台文教組及香港出版總會主辦、康樂 及文化事務署轄下香港公共圖書館協辦的「第八屆香港書獎」獲獎。 《香港文學大系1919-1949》十二卷由人文學院院長、中國文學講座教授陳國球總主編,編纂 1919年至1949年間的香港文學作品。 主編:陳智德博士 出版:商務印書館(香港)有限公司 本卷選錄1949年以前在香港發表的新詩,根據目前所見的文獻資料,本卷實際選錄1925年至 1949年的作品,橫跨戰前時期、抗戰時期與戰後初期的不同階段,編選原則是兼容不同時期的各 種流派和風格,藝術價值與文獻價值並重。 he Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949: Modern Poetry Wins the 8th Hong Kong Book Prize 《香港文學大系1919–1949:新詩卷》 獲得「第八屆香港書獎」 Faculty News 21 傑出教學、研究及行政服務表現校長 獎項2015-16頒獎典禮於2016年5月23 日舉行,嘉許傑出的職員。 中國語言學系助理教授張壽洪博士榮 獲傑出教學表現獎(個人獎項)。張 博士是一位教學經驗豐富的傑出教師, 致力融合研究成果於教學。他根據經 驗及研究成果探索並取得各種教學資 源,為學生提供全面的學習材料和真 實例子。 除教學外,張博士更以一系列活動關 懷學生,包括舉辦「中文主修學生生 涯規劃活動」及設立「事業導航加油 站」,幫助學生面對實習時遇到的困 難。 張博士一向獲學生尊敬及校內外專業 教師的認同,曾獲得2014至2015年度 學院教學獎。恭賀張壽洪博士連獲兩 項教學獎。 T Mr. Wong Yu Bon, Nicholas from the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies has recently been awarded at the 28th Lambda Literary Award under the category of Gay Poetry for his collection of poetry, Crevasse. The ceremony was held on 6 June 2016 at the Skirball Centre for the Performing Arts at New York University. The Lambda Literary Foundation is the most renowned international organization that recognizes writing by the LGBTQ literary community. Nicholas Wong is the first Asian poet receiving this honor since the establishment of the Lambda. Upon receiving the award, he expressed his gratitude to his family and friends for supporting him for his pursuit and passion in writing. Together with Nicholas Wong, Carl Phillips is another awardee under the same category. 黃裕邦先生任教於文學及文化學系,於2016年6月6日在美國紐約 大學 (NYU) Skirball Centre for the Performing Arts 舉行的第二十 八屆 Lambda Literary Award 中,憑詩集《天裂》獲得男同志詩歌 組獎項,成為首名得到該獎項的亞洲詩人作家。Lambda Literary Award是全球享有最高知名度的LGBTQ性小眾文學頒獎典禮,黃裕 邦感謝家人和朋友一直支持自己的創作。除黃裕邦外,今年男同志 詩歌組另有一名得獎者──Carl Phillips 。 黃裕邦先生榮獲第二十八屆 Lambda Literary Award r. Wong Yu Bon, Nicholas Received the 28th Lambda Literary Award M