​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​June 2015

人文學院通訊 . FHM Newsletter 4 Through the 2013/14 Teaching Awards Scheme, the Faculty of Humanities has honoured three outstanding teachers, including Dr. Man Ying Ling from the Department of Chinese Language Studies, Dr. Chuk Yim Ping, Joanne from the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies and Ms. Chu Wing Ki, Blanche from the Centre for Language in Education. A fruitful and enjoyable sharing session on “Student, Teacher and Classroom” was given by the awardees on 6 March 2015. Dr. Man Ying Ling, the recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award, is a specialist in Daoism and Chinese culture. Her dedication to student learning and the development of motivational learning activities are highly appreciated by her students. Dr. Man provides authentic learning experiences for her students by organising cultural field trips. Dr. Man’s students are encouraged to engage in regular self-reflection on what they have learnt. Dr. Man is also highly recognised of her capability to connect student’s learning to real life. Besides, Dr. Man is also a lifelong learner who enthusiastically participates in teaching enhancement activities and makes use of feedback from students and peers to improve her own teaching. Dr. Chuk Yim Ping, Joanne, the recipient of the Certificate of Merit, has exhibited a great passion for teaching, enthusiastically taking up the challenge of teaching new courses. Dr. Chuk is held in high esteem by her students as a creative teacher who always uses interesting and effective teaching strategies, which help establish a good learning atmosphere in the classroom and enhance knowledge transmission to students. Ms. Chu Wing Ki, Blanche, the recipient of the Certificate of Merit, has received impressive SET scores in the past two academic years, demonstrating her high level of teaching competence and effectiveness. Ms. Chu adopts various teaching methods to promote students’ learning and she always provides optimal and timely feedback to students. Ms. Chu’s innovative teaching integrates daily life examples and visual materials and successfully engages students in the learning process. In particular, her audio feedback to students helps them improve their writing effectively. Congratulations to Dr. Man, Dr. Chuk and Ms. Chu for their substantial contributions to the advancement of teaching and learning for our students and the Faculty of Humanities. 透過2013至2014年度卓越教學獎計劃,人文學院表揚了中國語言學系 的文英玲博士、語言學及現代語言系的祝艷萍博士及語文教育中心的 朱穎琪女士。得獎者於2015年3月6日舉辦了一場以「學生、老師及課 堂」為題的分享會。 卓越教學獎得獎者文英玲博士為道教及中華文化研究專家,她在教 學及提升學習動機活動上的付出,深受學生欣賞。透過舉辦實地文 化考察,文博士為學生提供真實的學習體驗,鼓勵學生參與定期反 思,對已學的內容作出反省。在激發學生思考方面,文博士引導學 生聯繫學習與現實生活,效果備受肯定。此外,文博士致力於終生 學習,熱衷於參與教學效能提升活動,善用學生及同儕的回饋,以 改善其教學表現。 表揚狀領受人祝艷萍博士具有濃厚的教學熱誠,敢於接受執教新科目 的挑戰。祝博士被學生視為極富創意的教師,其教學方法既有趣,又 有效,有助營造良好的課堂氣氛,提升對學生的知識傳遞效果。 另一位表揚狀領受人朱穎琪女士過往兩個學年所獲得的學生教學評分 均令人印像深刻,盡顯其卓越的教學技能及效度。朱女士既能採取多 樣的教學方法以促進學生學習,又能適時提供適切意見予學生,教學 敢於創新,融合現實生活例子及視象素材,成功引領學生投入學習。 她對學生的視像回應有效改善學生的寫作表現。 人文學院恭賀文英玲博士、祝艷萍博士及朱穎琪女士獲獎,並感謝她 們對學生和人文學院在教與學方面作出的重大貢獻。 Professor Chan Kwok Kou, Leonard, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (middle) and Dr. Tong Ho Kin, Associate Dean (Quality Enhancement) (first right) were congratulating the Excellence in Teaching Awards recipients: Dr. Man Ying Ling (second right), Dr. Chuk Yim Ping, Joanne (first left) and Ms. Chu Wing Ki, Blanche (second left) before the sharing session. 人文學院院長陳國球教授(中)與副院長(學術質素提升)湯浩堅 博士(右一)於分享會前恭賀三位卓越教學獎得獎者:文英玲博士(右二)、 祝艷萍博士(左一)及朱穎琪女士(左二)。 Excellence in Teaching Awards 2013/14 2013至2014年度卓越教學獎