​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​June 2015

人文學院通訊 . FHM Newsletter 20 人文學院第六屆方潤華講座 The 6th Fong Yun Wah Distinguished Lecture Series held by the Faculty of Humanities Thanks to the generous donation from Fong’s Family Foundation, the 6th Fong Yun Wah Distinguished Lecture Series was successfully held from 15 to 27 October 2014. This annual lecture series is intended to bring world-renowned scholars from the Mainland of China to promote academic exchange in the domains of Chinese literature, linguistics and culture through the delivery of lectures. The first series of lectures was given in 2009, and since then a series of distinguished scholars have continued making tremendous contributions. This year, the lectures were as follows: Date Topic Speaker 15/10/2014 The Image of Clothing in Chinese Classical literature Prof. Hu Xiao Ming (East China Normal University) 24/10/2014 A Study on Speeches and Oral Cultures in China Based on Modern Phonetics Prof. Kong Jiang Ping (Peking University) 27/10/2014 A Review and Commentary on Siku Quanshu Prof. Huang Ai Ping (Renmin University of China) The Fong Yun Wah Distinguished Lecture Series demonstrates one of the Faculty’s key missions. We aim to build upon our traditional strengths in Language, Literature and Culture to offer high quality language education that respond to the demand of Humanities disciplines in Hong Kong and the region. A capacity audience of university staff and students was present in all of the three lectures. Because of the enthusiastic response and active participation, the Faculty of Humanities is determined to provide the Fong Yun Wah Distinguished Lecture Series, enhancing our students’ learning experience and promoting the knowledge of Chinese culture in the younger generations. 由方潤華基金會贊助,第六屆方潤華講座已於2014年10月15日 至27日成功舉行。講座旨在每年邀請在中國文學、語言學及文 化範疇內卓有成就的國內著名學者到教育學院演講,從而推動 各地區、多領域的學術交流。第一屆講座始辦於2009年,此後 已有眾多學者為講座作出重大貢獻。 本年度的方潤華講座信息如下: 日期 講題 講者 15/10/2014 中國古典文學中的「衣」 胡曉明教授 華東師範大學) 24/10/2014 基於現代語音學的中華語言 文化研究 孔江平教授 北京大學) 27/10/2014 四庫全書》講論 黃愛平教授 中國人民大學) 人文學院致力提升在語言、文學與文化方面之教研力量,提供 優質的語文教育,以配合香港及鄰近地區對人文學科的需求。 作為學院的年度盛事,方潤華講座的廣泛影響與人文學院的使 命互相促進。 三場講座均有多位師生出席,現場氣氛熱烈、互動踴躍。人文 學院將繼續舉辦方潤華講座,以豐富學生的學習體驗,於年青 一輩中推廣中華文化的學習。