​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​June 2015

人文學院通訊 . FHM Newsletter 14 文學及文化學系 Department of Literature and Cultural Studies Message from the Head LCS is a diverse and vibrant academic unit actively contributing to the teaching and research of the institute, and we now have 30 academic and teaching staff in the Department. The primary missions of the Department are to advance knowledge in the areas of 1) traditional Chinese literature and culture; 2) modern and contemporary Sinophone literature and culture; 3) Anglophone literature and cultural studies; and 4) modern Chinese and world history and to develop related course offerings at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Some of the fields that have already been fruitfully developed include traditional Chinese literary criticism, classical Chinese literature, Chinese cultural and intellectual history, children’s literature, Hong Kong literature, new English literatures, and film studies. To complement these expanding areas, as well as to emphasise the intercultural and interdisciplinary nature of our approach to teaching and research, this year we have recruited academic staff specialising in cultural studies and history. In the year 2015/16, the Department will launch Hong Kong’s first ever Bachelor of Education programme in History. Alongside the development of new programmes, the Department is also dedicated to promoting creative writing and the use of literature in language teaching. With the collaboration of its seasoned academic and research staff and the contribution of new recruits, the Department is actively exploring promising new fields of studies and novel pedagogical practices. Professor Yu Kwan Wai, Eric(余君偉教授 Head, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies Academic Activities Date Topic Speaker/Organiser 31/3/2014 The 3rd Graduate Conference on Chinese Education and Culture 第三屆研究生論壇「語文教育與思想文化」學術研討會 Jointly organised by the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies and the Department of Chinese Language Studies at HKIEd, the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the National Pingtung University of Education, and the College of Education at the Capital Normal University 香港教育學院文學及文化學系、中國語言學系、屏東教育大學中 文系暨首都師範大學教育學院合辦 23/4/2014 LCS Lecture Series: “The Aesthetic as Intrinsic Motivation: Teachers’ Use of Drama For Language Education” Dr. Matthew William DeCoursey 26/4/2014 Hong Kong Village Tour 圍村之旅 Dr. Hau Lai Ying(侯勵英博士) 14/5/2014 LCS Lecture Series: “Translating J.M. Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World” Dr. Chang Tsung Chi, Hawk(張崇旂博士) 16-17/5/2014 The 6th International Conference on the Communication and Reception of Literature 第六屆文學傳播與接受國際學術研討會 Organised by the Department of Sinophone Literatures, National Dong Hwa University; co-organised by the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies 國立東華大學華文文學系主辦,文學及文化學系合辦 8/8/2014 Reading Club Meeting in Hong Kong Literature: “Reading Wong Leung Wo’s Novels” 香港文學讀書會:「閱讀王良和小說〈魚咒〉及〈蟑螂變〉」 Dr. Wong Leung Wo(王良和博士)and Mr. Cheng Ching-hang, Matthew (Lingnan University)(鄭政恆 先生 嶺南大學)) 23/9/2014 LCS Visiting Scholar Lecture Series: “HBO's Game of Brands” Prof. Michael Szalay (University of California, Irvine) 24/9/2014 LCS Visiting Scholar Lecture Series: “The Manchurian Candidate, Then and Now” At the LCS visiting scholar lecture “The Manchurian Candidate, Then and Now”, Prof. Michael Szalay examined the history of The Manchurian Candidate, from Richard Condon's cold war spy thriller to the recent "quality" TV show Homeland.