Faculty Brochure

Areas of Expertise 專業範圍 • Chinese intellectual history 中國思想史 • Studies of Yijing and its philosophy 易經研究及其哲學 • East Asian hermeneutic traditions and theories 東亞詮釋傳統和理論 • Intellectual history in late imperial China 清代學術史 Professor CHENG Kat Hung Dennis 鄭吉雄教授 Chair Professor of Cultural History, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies 文學及文化學系文化歷史講座教授 Professor Cheng Kat Hung Dennis is famous for being one of the leaders involved in the “Project of Pursuing for Excellence (first phase)” (2000-2004) and in setting up the “NTU Centre for the Study of East Asian Civilisation” (2002-2006), both initiated and supported by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan. He has been active in giving talks at top universities in the east and west and had worked in two world leading international institutions in Asian Studies as “Senior Visiting Research Fellow” at the Asia Research Institute (ARI) of National University of Singapore (2007) and “European Chair of Chinese Studies” (ECCS) at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) of Leiden University, the Netherlands (2010-2011). He is the chief editor of the Book series “History of Chinese Thoughts” of the Taiwan University Press. He is appointed by UGC as member of the Humanities Panel in the RAE 2014. Professor Cheng specialises in a variety of areas in Chinese studies, mainly on Confucianism, Chinese intellectual history and East Asian hermeneutic traditions focusing on the interpretation theories of the Classic of Changes (Yijing and their commentaries), involving the disciplines of history, philology, philosophy, and their inner connections. He has published six books, 12 editing volumes and more than 60 reviewed articles. 鄭吉雄教授曾參與台灣教育部第一期「大學學術追求卓越研究計畫」 (2000-2004),以及創立「台大東亞文明研究中心」(2002-2006)。他曾於 世界頂尖大學作訪問與講座,並受聘於兩個全球最著名的亞洲研究 中心:新加坡國立大學亞洲研究中心擔任高級訪問研究學人(2007) 以及在荷蘭萊頓大學國際亞洲研究院擔任歐洲漢學講座(2010-2011)。 鄭教授擔任台灣大學出版中心「中國思想史研究叢書」主編,並被教資 會聘任為RAE 2014人文領域評審委員。 鄭教授的專業領域主要包括儒學、中國學術史、東亞易學與經典詮釋, 涉及範疇包括歷史、語文學、哲學及其之間的關係。著作包括專書 六種、主編論文集十二種以及研究論文六十餘篇。 FHM Brochure 10 |