


Congratulations to Dr Timothy Yuen, Dr Leung Yan Wing and Dr Hayes Tang for their latest article in International Journal of Educational Management


Congratulations to Dr Timothy Yuen, Dr Leung Yan Wing and Dr Hayes Tang for their latest article in International Journal of Educational Management: Cheng, E. C. K., Yuen, T. W. W. ,  Leung, Y. W. &  Tang, H. H. H. (accepted for press). A Model for Promoting Student Participation in School Governance. International Journal of Educational Management.

Here is the abstract of the article.

This paper highlights the urgent need for a genuinely effective and attainable citizenship education model in Hong Kong’s schools, which focuses on promoting student participation in school governance. It is an empirical citizenship education management model for school leaders that illustrates the predictive effects of personally responsible, participatory, justice-oriented and patriotic citizenship, necessarily supported by school management practices, school ethos and teacher beliefs.