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2948 7503
2948 6866
Dr. Gümüş is an Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership and a Research Fellow of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at the EdUHK. Before moving to Hong Kong, he was an associate professor at Aarhus University, Denmark. He has published articles in core international journals of the field such as Educational Management Administration and Leadership, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Journal of Educational Administration, and School Management & Leadership as well as in other high impact journals such as Compare, European Journal of Education, Educational Studies, Higher Education, Scientometrics, and Teaching and Teacher Education. He currently serves on the advisory board of Rowman & Littlefield School Leadership Book Series, as well as undertakes editorial responsibilities in several academic journals.
Dr. Gümüş defines himself first and foremost as a teacher. He worked around 2.5 years as a math teacher in Turkey before he moved to the USA for his graduate education in 2007. He received his PhD from the Department of Educational Administration at Michigan State University, USA in 2012 and his master’s from the same institution in 2010. He was nationally selected for the David L. Clark Graduate Student Research Seminar sponsored by University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) and later became a founding member of the UCEA Graduate Student Council.
Research Interests:
Instructional leadership
Leadership development
Professional learning
Work attitudes
Equity in education
Systematic reviews
Quantitative research
2948 8377
Theodore is used to be a secondary school teacher for 10 years before leaving for New Zealand to complete his higher degree in education. He obtained a Master of Educational Leadership (First Honours) and his PhD from the University of Waikato, New Zealand.
Research Interests
Teacher development and leadership
Inquiry learning
Assessment for learning.
2948 8347
Ewan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership. He holds a PhD from the Division of Policy, Administration and Social Sciences Education at The University of Hong Kong where he was a recipient of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. His main research interests are in educational trends and reforms across East Asia. As a sociologist of education, his current research focuses on international education (especially the International Baccalaureate), globalisation and education, university preparation and admission, and inequality in education and social reproduction. He has completed two large-scale International Baccalaureate research projects including “A study of the International Baccalaureate Diploma in China: Program's impact on student preparation for university studies abroad” and “A study of the post-secondary outcomes of IB Diploma alumni in leading universities in Asia Pacific”. His research has been published in international journals such as British Journal of Educational Studies and Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education.
Research Interests
International Schools
International Baccalaureate
Globalisation and education
University preparation and admission
Inequality in education and social reproduction
2948 8312
Dr. Lee Trevor Tsz-lok is an Associate Professor in Department of Education Policy and Leadership at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). Dr. Lee is a sociologist working on the field of education, particularly inequality and stratification, parenting, and policy. Before joining EdUHK, Dr. Lee was an adjunct assistant professor in Department of Sociology and a postdoctoral fellow in Faculty of Education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research is often located at the intersections of traditional research agenda in sociology and educational studies, among other (sub-) fields, and involves quantitative and qualitative methodologies. His work has been published in Educational Review, Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, Current Sociology, and Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, among others. Dr. Lee serves on the Editorial Board of Current Sociology, the official journal of the International Sociological Association.
His recent research projects address questions concerning (1) the intricate ways that interrelationships between home, school and culture shape and reproduce social positions in the stratification system; (2) the middle-class alternative choice of homeschooling in Hong Kong and Taipei; and (3) online learning of Hong Kong primary school students during school closures in time of COVID-19. His future research agenda attends to digital inequality through family socialization and parent leadership among disadvantaged families.
Research Interests
2948 8453
A sociologist, Dr Hayes Tang is interested in the fields of education policy, higher education, academic profession and youth studies. His research focuses on the sociological role of higher education in entrepreneurial society and global city. He is committed to create new knowledge in application for better education governance and policy innovation in East Asian entrepreneurial societies, amidst the age of global inequalities, populism and authoritarianism. Currently he conducts academic researches on 'entrepreneurial universities', academic profession and institutional ethnography, as well as youth engagement, higher education and global citizenship. He aspires to build lifelong partnership with students and professionals so as to enlighten his analysis on educational development and policy anew with fresh perspectives, along with greater social impact and professional relevance. Presently involving in two GRFprojects (General Research Fund by Hong Kong Research Grants Council), he is now Assistant Professor of Department of Education Policy and Leadership at The Education University of Hong Kong and serves on the Editorial Board of Chinese Education & Society (Taylor & Francis).
On top of scholarly research, he considers education a commitment imperative to an academic life. Championing the spirit of liberal arts education, Hayes was presented at the start of his academic career the Outstanding Teacher Award by the School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong in 2012. On issues about Hong Kong-Mainland China dynamics, he was interviewed by journalism including ARTE (Association relative à la télévision européenne) (Franco-German channel), The Straits Times, South China Morning Post (SCMP),Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK, Radio 3), China Daily and D100 Radio. Upon invitation, he delivered a Fulbright-Hays seminar entitled "Seeing China's Governance from Hong Kong Youth Perspective" for a delegation of American school teachers during their visit to The University of Hong Kong in August 2015. The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad are hosted by the National Committee on United States-China Relations, USA.
In service of knowledge exchange and transfer, Dr Hayes Tang welcomes media consultation, external membership, community/professional seminars and commissioned R&D projects. He can be contacted at hhhtang@eduhk.hk.
Research Interests
Sociology of Education (especially Sociological Role of Education in Entrepreneurial Society and Global City)
Higher Education
Youth Engagement, Educated Youth and Public Policy
Academic Entrepreneurialism ('Entrepreneurial Universities'), Scholarship of Application and Impact of Universities
Academic Profession and Its Connections with Other Professions (including Teaching Profession/ Schools)
Education Governance and Policy Innovation in the Age of Global Inequalities, Populism and Authoritarianism
Nationalism, Internationalism and Global Citizenship in Education
2948 6595
2948 7637
Prof. Junjun Chen is a Professor at the Department of Education Policy and Leadership. Dr. Chen studied in Mainland China, Holland and New Zealand. Before joining the EdUHK, she worked at the universities in Mainland China and New Zealand. Her research has focused on principal and teacher development, well-being and resilience, systematic literature review, psychometric measurement, and how these have contributed to school effectiveness. She is willing to enlarge her research interest to advance the work of the EdUHK by cooperating with colleagues. This opportunity to work at EdUHK has made her feel very privileged indeed.
Research Interests
Teacher development, well-being, and resilience
Principal development, well-being, and resilience
Systematic literature review
Psychometric measurement
荣休教授及顾问 (学术发展)
2948 7723
CHENG Yin Cheong is Emeritus Professor and Advisor (Academic Development), EPL of the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He was Research Chair Professor of Leadership and Change (2014-2016), Vice President (Research and Development) of HKIEd (2008-2014), the immediate Past President of World Education Research Association (WERA) (2014-2016) and the President of Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) (2004-2008). Currently he is the chairman of Advisory Board of the Tin Ka Ping Foundation. Previously he had served as a full member of the University Grants Committee, a panel member of Research Grants Council, and a member of the Quality Education Fund Steering Committee of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
Prof. Cheng holds a doctorate from Harvard University. He has had extensive experiences in both education and research. His research is mainly on education effectiveness, paradigm shift, leadership, management reform, higher education, and teacher education. Prof. Cheng has published 20 academic books and over 250 book chapters, journal articles and other publications. Some of his publications have been translated into Chinese, Hebrew, Korean, Spanish, Czech, Thai and Persian languages. He is at present serving on the advisory boards of 17 international journals. He is also the associate editor of the International Journal of Educational Management (UK) since 2006. Prof. Cheng’s research has won him a number of international awards and recognition including the Awards for Excellence from the Literati Network in UK. In 2008, he was awarded as the Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association in recognition of his excellent contribution to educational research in the Region. He has served as panel member, external examiner or reviewer for local and international universities and research institutions. He has been invited to provide consultancy services to national and international projects in Brunei Darussalam, Saudi Arabia, Gatar, India, Pakistan, Korea, Mainland China, Netherlands, Macao, and Thailand. In these years, Prof. Cheng has been invited to give over 110 keynote/plenary presentations by national and international organizations.
He has been very interested in watercolour painting since the end of 1960s and had invited personal exhibitions in 2001, 2005, 2009, 2010 and 2014. He was invited by the Hong Kong Museum of Art to conduct art seminars.
For the details, please see http://home.ied.edu.hk/~yccheng/
Research Interests
Education reform
Paradigm shift in education
Internationalization of higher education
Teacher education and development
School autonomy
21st century learning
2948 8539
Dr Miron Bhowmik is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Policy and Leadership at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), and was previously the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Specialist at the Faculty of Education and Human Development and a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Department of Special Education and Counselling. Prior to joining EdUHK, he was a Programme Officer at the UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education in Bangkok, Thailand. He has also worked for the British Council and several universities in Bangladesh. He is particularly interested in the educational policies and practices as they relate to diversity, equity and inclusion.
Research Interests
Diversity, equity and inclusion in education
‘Out of school’/dropout/school failure issues
Ethnic minority education
Inclusive leadership
Critical discourse
ICT in education
Acculturative stress and coping behaviour
2948 7607
陈湛明博士於1994年由教育署转职至教大。早年分别在葛量洪及柏立基教育学院取得教师资格及特殊教育教师证书,任教於中、小学达十年,并曾任职前教育署特殊教育组督学,协助处理有特殊需要的学生,期间赴笈英伦获取教育荣誉学士,再在香港大学取得社会科学犯罪学硕士,主修青少年犯罪,并於英国布里司托大学 (Bristol University) 修毕教育博士课程。 陈博士担任与训育、课外活动及学校行政工作有关的职前及在职教师培训工作已超过二十五年。近年亦积极参与本地、内地以致海外校长及学校中层老师的培训。并曾兼任香港教育学院持续教育学部之毅进课程训育顾问及担任与教育局合办的训育及辅导教师证书课程导师。
2948 8763
Choi Soobin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership. He earned his Ph.D. in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis from the University of Missouri. His primary research interests include educational leadership, school organization, and policy analysis, with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. In particular, his research examines how we prepare school leaders and teachers in embracing and valuing diversity as a valuable asset for teaching and learning. He explores the role of schools in fostering the development of students as global citizens who possess a deep understanding and respect for individuals from diverse backgrounds. Ultimately, the objective of his research is to bridge the gaps that exist between educators and students, as well as between students from diverse backgrounds. His scholarly work has been published in high-impact journals, including Educational Administration Quarterly, AERA Open, and the International Journal of Educational Research.
Research Interests
Educational leadership
School organization
Policy analysis
Diversity, equity and inclusion
2948 7901
Mr Chong joined The Education University of Hong Kong in 2007.
He received his Bachelor’s degree at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Government and Public Administration. He earned his Master of Law degree at the University of Hong Kong.
After admitting as a solicitor in 2000, Mr Chong handled various significant human rights cases. They included defamation - Albert Cheng v Paul Tse; right of assembly- HKSAR v Leung Kwok Hung; and family violence -the Tin Shui Wai tragedy of 2004.
From 2002, Mr. Chong began conducting seminars on education law.
At EdUHK, he teaches “Education and Law” and “Rule of Law and HK Legal System”. He is also active in the promotion of the right to legal education.
In recognition of his outstanding voluntary legal service to the public and educational sector, Mr Chong was bestowed with numerous awards including the Distinguished Pro Bono Service Award, Distinguished Community Service Award, and Bauhinia the Leadership Volunteer Award.
Research Interests
Education law
Human rights
Human rights education
Rule of law
Rule of law education
2948 8931
Maxwell is an experienced educator who has dedicated himself to promoting teacher entrepreneurialism, entrepreneurship education, and financial literacy throughout his career. He earned a Bachelor of Education (Business Studies) degree with first-class honours from the Education University of Hong Kong in 2008, following which he rose through the ranks quickly to become head of technology education (KLA) and administration group as a middle manager. His finance and entrepreneurial curriculum won him the Teacher award for business and financial education in 2016, a recognition from the HKABE, HKEdCity, EDB, and IFEC.
Maxwell continues to contribute to the field of education since joining EdUHK. As a Research Fellow at the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, he has performed leadership and educational practice research. In 2020, he was awarded the Emerald publishing award for his excellent doctoral research and is now invited to provide leadership training to primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. He has also been named President of the Hong Kong Association of Business Education, demonstrating his continued commitment to the growth of this sector. Maxwell's teacher entrepreneurialism series has trained over 400 school leaders so far.
In 2021, Maxwell received the Emerald Young Researcher Award for his exceptional contribution to education in Hong Kong, validating his continued research interests in teacher entrepreneurialism, entrepreneurship education, and financial literacy. His efforts were further acknowledged by the Michael Fullan Emerging Scholar award in 2023.
Research interests
Middle leadership
Teacher professional development
Entrepreneurial behaviour
Business and personal financial education
Entrepreneurship education
高级讲师 II
2948 8189
Dr Percy Kwok is currently a senior lecturer in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL) in the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). After earning his PhD in 2001, Dr Kwok worked as a senior research assistant and a course tutor at the Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) in the Faculty of Education in the University of Hong Kong when joining the interim evaluation project of the First Strategy on IT in Education: Information Technology for Learning in a New Era Five-year Strategy 1998/99 to 2002/03 for the HKSAR government. In 1998-2002, he served several international and local comparative education societies such as the webmaster of World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) and a coopted member of Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK). He founded the postgraduate research student committee in Faculty of Education in the University of Hong Kong in 1998 and formed a global network of young scholars in comparative and international education and research methodology in 2000s. As an international research consultant, he joined and led some ADB and UNESCO research projects in ICT education and teacher e-leadership in 2000s.
Dr Kwok has extensive experiences in teaching Adv. Dip. Ed., B. Ed., M.Ed., M.Sc. and Ed.D. in several key universities in Australia, Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China and United States of America. Before returning to the teacher education field, he had been engaged in leading one innovative continuing education school for three years and coordinating the IBDP-TOK curricula and chairing the educational self-evaluation team in one through-train IB DSS school for fourteen years. He has been IBDP-examiners of some key subjects in Asia-Pacific rim and an External Reviewer (ER) of External School Review (ESR) under Education Bureau for primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. Dr Kwok has great research interests in investigating the changing contexts of private supplementary tutoring, self-evaluation mechanisms in schools through action research, ICT integration into school curricula and successful educational leadership and principalship models in basic education in comparative and international perspectives. Noteworthy, he built some innovative inter-regional, inter-school and inter-discipline collaborative e-learning communities among students and teachers in primary and secondary education in Hong Kong, Macao, Mainland China, Singapore, United Kingdom and United States of America in 2000s. Dr Kwok earned the world reputation of Outstanding persons in Marquis Who’s Who in Finance and Industry (34th ed., 2004-2005) and Marquis Who’s Who in the World (23th ed., 2006) for establishing and sustaining such communities in the world.
Research Interests
Collaborative learning communities
Comparative and international education
Policy analysis in education
Private supplementary tutoring in basic education
Project-based learning and electronic portfolio in ICT education
Research paradigms and research methodology
School principalship and educational leadership
Social cartography in educational and social research
Teacher professional development through action research
2948 8204
Dr. Chrysa Keung has worked in various school development projects which across different educational settings. She received her PhD in Education, Administration and Policy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has been a Graduate Teacher in secondary school, Teaching Associate in HKUST and Postdoctoral Fellow in CUHK. Dr. Keung has her expertise in educational inequality, parental involvement and teacher development. In recent years, she engages in the early childhood studies, with a focus on the areas of leadership practices, play-based learning and positive education. Her research has spanned the fields of education, social psychology and sociology of education, with an interest in using large-scale data to investigate educational transitions and pathways.
Research Interest
Educational inequality
Sociology of education
Early childhood education
Play-based learning
Child and family studies
2948 7341
Martin is a lecturer in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL) at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He received his Bachelor of Education (Majoring in Business Studies) at EdUHK, Master of Education (Majoring in Child and Adolescent Development) at HKBU and Master of Arts (Majoring in Christian Studies) at CUHK. He taught Business-related subjects, Biblical Knowledge and Life Education in secondary school for over 10 years before joining EdUHK.
Being the Subject Coordinator, KLA Coordinator and Career and Guidance Coordinator in Secondary School, he has extensive experience facilitating students’ development and broadening their exposure beyond the classroom with positive values. He was invited to different teachers’ sharing on topics like business education and value education. He was awarded twice in the Teacher Award for Business, and Financial Education (2017 & 2019), organised by the EDB, HKABE, IFEC and HKEdCity, in recognition of his school-based curriculum development and leadership.
He has served as the executive committee of the Hong Kong Association of Business Education to promote business education and has been invited to share on entrepreneurship in schools.
Research Interests
Teacher Professionalism
Students’ Wellbeing
Business and Personal Financial Education
高级讲师 II
2948 8533
Dr. Leung Wing Tat worked as a secondary school teacher for more than 27 years. During this long period of service in the secondary school setting, he made particular efforts in his post to enhance civic education and experiential learning for the young generation. Meanwhile, he completed several postgraduate programmes, including MPhil in Chinese Language and Literature, MA in Religious Studies and MSocSc in General Education. With this academic scope, he has a conviction to foster and facilitate youngsters’ learning in humanities and cross-disciplinary studies, so to broaden their outlook and develop their holistic worldview.
He earned his EdD degree in 2020. Through his doctoral studies, with reflection on teaching as a vocation, he felt the calling to expand his mission to the field of teacher education. Thus, he joined the teaching staff of the University in January 2022, aspiring to share his frontline experience and academic insights with prospective and in-service teachers of the new generation.
Research Interest:
Critical pedagogy
Civic education
Experiential learning
School-community partnership
Democratization of schools
Teacher professionalism and agency
2948 6274
2948 8344
Dr Jiahui Luo (Jess) is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Policy and Leadership, the Education University of Hong Kong. She obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Hong Kong as a recipient of the Philip KH Wong Foundation Postgraduate Fellowship. Prior to that, she completed her MPhil at the University of Cambridge as a fully funded International Cambridge Trust Scholar and earned her BA from Sun Yat-sen University with first-class honours.
As an academic, Jess studies the social, relational and ethical implications of advanced technologies (in particular, GenAI) on educational assessment, as well as the governance/regulation of these technologies through education policies at different levels (in particular, higher education). Her research has been published in high-impact international journals such as Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Educational Research Review, and Teaching in Higher Education. In recognition of her research performance, Jess was awarded the 2023 HKU Foundation Publication Award (RPG). She is also the Principal Investigator of several external and internal research grants on GenAI and higher education, including one funded by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council under the prestigious Early Career Scheme.
In addition to research, Jess is passionate about enhancing teaching and learning in higher education. She is experienced in developing teaching and learning resources/programmes for university teachers and students and has served as the facilitator, mentor, and panel moderator for multiple high-profile educational events and forums. Prior to joining EdUHK, Jess was a research member of the Teaching and Learning Enhancement and Research Group (TLERG) and the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) at the University of Hong Kong.
Research Interests
Implications of advanced technologies (e.g., GenAI) on education (esp. higher education, educational assessment)
Formal and informal governance of technologies in education
Education policies on assessment
Educational assessment in the digital age
2948 8102
Yusuf I. Oldac is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership at the Education University of Hong Kong. He serves as the associate editor of the Journal Higher Education Evaluation and Development and an editorial board member for several academic journals. Yusuf is also a Fellow at the Centre for Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies in Hong Kong.
Yusuf earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Education from the University of Oxford, supported by a full scholarship from the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. His research primarily focuses on global and international higher education, the global research system, knowledge production and higher education systems in Southeast Asia and West Asia. He has a particular interest in epistemic equity and justice, exploring how knowledge is produced and shared across different cultural and institutional contexts. Ultimately, the objective of his research is to promote a more inclusive and equitable global higher education landscape.
Yusuf’s work has been published in leading academic journals, including Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education, Scientometrics, Educational Management Administration & Leadership and the British Journal of Educational Studies. He received several awards for his contributions, including the Research and Knowledge Transfer Excellence Award from Hong Kong Lingnan University in 2023 and the Newer Researchers Prize from the Society for Research into Higher Education, UK, in 2022.
Research interests:
Globalisation and international higher education
Global research system
Knowledge production
Higher education policy
Higher Education in Southeast Asia
Higher Education in West Asia
2948 7622
Adam is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership. Before moving to Hong Kong, he was an Assistant Professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University. Prior to becoming an academic, Adam worked as an English teacher in various international schools in Shanghai. As a research bricoleur, Adam focuses on a number of research interests, including international schools in China, teachers in international schools, professional development for language teachers, working-class academics, and the funds of identity approach. Adam has published in international journals including Educational Review, Journal of Education for Teaching, and Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.
Research Interests
International schools
Teachers’ lived experiences
Teacher professional development/teacher research
Social class and social inequality
Funds of identity/knowledge
Poon Yu-Hin is currently a Lecturer at the Department of Education Policy and Leadership of The Eduation University of Hong Kong. He taught Liberal Studies, Ethics and Religious Studies in secondary school for about 12 years, and he has been actively engaged in educational research in the past 10 years.
Research interests
Sociology of education
Educational policy and equality
Identity studies
School ethnography
2948 8185
Dr. Kwok Kuen Tsang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Policy and Leadership at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). Before joining the EdUHK, Dr. Tsang was an Associate Professor and Associate Dean of the College of Education Administration at Beijing Normal University, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and an Assistant Professor at Caritas Institute of Higher Education, respectively. He is a member of the editorial advisory board of the British Journal of Sociology of Education and an Associate Editor of the Beijing International Review of Education. His research covers teachers' work and emotions, education policy and governance, and school leadership.
Research Interests
Teachers' work
Teachers' emotions
Education governance
School leadership
2948 8508
Dr. Wong is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership. She earned her B.A. (communication) and M.Ed (educational leadership and foundations) from the Brigham Young University, Utah, USA, and Ph.D. (Education) from The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. Following her Ph.D., she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Education University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wong has participated in various research projects over the past ten years (such as Participatory Citizenship, Applied Learning, Curriculum Reform, Work-Based Learning) and has been involved in international projects (such as research undertaken on a UNESCO project on out of school children, comparison of higher education study for Asia-Pacific region students, teacher preparation programs in Mainland, China). Her work has been recognised by EdUHK through publication awards. She has served as a reviewer of international and local academic journals.
Research Interests
Diversity and Minority Education
Refugee Education
Teacher Education
Citizenship Education
Moral and Servant Leadership
Teacher Leadership
2948 7620
Mr. WONG Wai-Hung is currently a Lecturer of the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership of The Education University of Hong Kong. Before joining the HKIED in 2001, he taught General Education courses in Hong Kong Lingnan University. WONG had been a secondary school teacher for over 10 years. He got his MA in Sociology of Culture from the University of Essex in 1993, his MA in Chinese philosophy from the New Asia Institute for Advanced Chinese Studies in 1995, and his PCEd from the Hong Kong University in 1998. WONG is also a sexologist, a psycho-therapist, a school manager, and a film critic. WONG has published 10 books on philosophy, psychology and in some other areas. He always appeared in Hong Kong’s TV and Radio programmes as guest speaker, and writing different kind of articles in local newspapers.
Research Interests
Experimental Learning
Life and Death Education
Moral Education
2948 8846
Ying Ji (Yumjyi) is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL), the Education University of Hong Kong. Her disciplinary background is in Sociology of Education, Educational Policy Studies, and International and Comparative Education. She received her MPhil and PhD degrees in Education from the University of Cambridge. Ying Ji’s research interests include equity, diversity and inclusion in education, teacher professionalism, and, increasingly, academic professionalism. She currently serves as the Associate Programme Leader of Master of Arts in Leading Innovative Learning Organisations at EPL.
Research Interests
Equity, diversity, and inclusion in education
Teacher professionalism
Academic professionalism
2948 6566
汪雅量教授学术论著甚富,於教育行政与领导,及学校领才学习与发展外,汪教授亦曾研究领导学习文化对学校领才之影响。汪教授出任多份教育领导国资际学术期刊编辑委员,亦於国际学术期刊及出版社发表、编著超过300份学术论文及著作。 汪教授近期研究专注拓展中国、亚太以至全球教育领导的知识基础。汪教授亦於本港及世界各地不同机构出任顾问。曾於中国、台湾、星加坡、马来西亚、泰国、越南、菲律宾、印尼、挪威、芬兰、荷兰、德国、瑞典、瑞士、英国、加拿大、美国、南非、智利、新西兰及澳洲等地推展领才学习及发展课程,研究领才发展。
汪雅量教授对学校领导研究充满热诚,有关创新的学校领才发展思维、以及学校领袖如何自决自身专业发展和学习的研究及发展工作享誉国际。公元二零一零年,汪雅量教授获澳洲教育领导议会颁受资深研究员荣衔,以表扬汪教授对全球、尤其是东亚及东南亚教育领导研究与发展的贡献。翌年,汪雅量教授获香港教育大学颁受冠名国际教育领导讲座教授衔,用以表彰汪教授在国际教育领导教研的杰出成就。公元二零一五零年,汪雅量教授获「教育行政大学议会」(University Council of Educational Administration) 颁授「布瑞杰兹奖」(The Edwin M. Bridges Award)殊荣,以肯定其在教育领袖培训及专业发展的重大贡献。 汪雅量教授曾六次荣获香港研究资助局资助,并曾二十多次获不同的国际教育科研机构拨款,开展学校教育领导研究。
Darren Bryant is a Professor in the School of Education at Curtin University. Previously he served in EdUHK as the Head of the Department of Education Policy and Leadership and as Associate Director of the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC). Darren’s research concerns leader development, middle leadership in schools and how leaders make sense of and enact policies in school.
Research Interests
Educational effectiveness
Educational leadership and educational management
Teacher education
Learning assessment
IT in education
Learning disabilities
Mixed methods methodology
Data visualisation
Learner analytics
Professor TANG Yee Fan Sylvia is Adjunct Professor (Practice) of the Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL) at The Education University of Hong Kong. Previously she had served as Associate Professor and Professor (Practice) of EPL, and Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) of the Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD).
Professor Tang graduated from The University of Hong Kong and received a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Distinction) and a Master of Education. She obtained her PhD at the University of Wales, Cardiff, UK.
Before working in teacher education, Professor Tang was a secondary school teacher in Hong Kong. She began working in teacher education at the Northcote College of Education and has been a long-serving member of The Education University of Hong Kong. Professor Tang has extensive experience in the field of tertiary teaching and has taught in undergraduate, postgraduate diploma, Master of Education and Doctor of Education programmes; as well as professional development programmes for teachers and school principals in the areas of teacher education and development and qualitative approaches to educational research. She also conducted thesis supervision with doctoral students and teaching supervision of students in Field Experience at undergraduate and postgraduate diploma levels.
Professor Tang’s research interests cover various aspects of teacher education and development, including initial teacher education; student teachers’ learning and professional competence; teachers’ continuing professional development; and mentoring. She has published extensively in internationally renowned journals, and has published book chapters on teacher education. Currently, she serves on the editorial boards of the European Journal of Teacher Education as well as Teaching and Teacher Education.
Professor Tang served as Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) of FEHD from 2013 to 2023, overseeing matters related to learning and teaching at the faculty level. She led faculty-level learning and teaching projects, co-ordinated faculty members in the review and development of the undergraduate curriculum, and initiated and administered faculty-level funding and award schemes on learning and teaching.
Professor Tang has been actively engaging in serving the teaching profession in Hong Kong. She was a member and professional advisor of the Special Meetings on Review of Teacher Competencies Framework, and the Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals from 2014 to 2016. She also contributed to teacher education in her role as a member of the Working Group on Development of a Guiding Framework for Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Programmes, the Education Bureau from 2022 to 2023. Professor Tang has had extensive experience in presentations on topics related to teachers’ continuing professional development in Leadership Training Programmes in Hong Kong and Macau, as well as staff development events in schools in Hong Kong.
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Dr. Banoglu is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership at the Education University of Hong Kong. He obtained his doctoral degree from Ghent University as a recipient of the Special Research Fund (BOF). His dissertation received the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation award named after Prof. Dr. Kadir Beycioğlu by the Educational Administration Research and Development Association-EERA.
Dr. Banoglu's most recent works have been published in School Leadership & Management (2024), Journal of School Leadership (2023), and Professional Development in Education (2023). He serves as the chief editor for Research in Educational Administration & Leadership (REAL), a Web of Science and Scopus-indexed, open-access, non-commercial, international journal. Additionally, he is the interim assistant editor for the International Journal of Leadership in Education (IJLE) and an editorial board member of Methodological Innovations (MIO). He also serves on the advisory board for the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing School Leadership Book Series. In the academic arena, Dr. Banoglu taught undergraduate and graduate courses on Leadership Theories, Research Methods, Statistics, Applied Statistics, Project Management, and Education Philosophy at several universities. He recently supervised a Master's thesis (2023) on the canonical relationship between school principals’ instructional and technology leadership practices.
Beyond his academic career, Dr. Banoglu has worked as an ICT teacher at all stages of K-12 education. He also has extensive project management experience, having served as Chief Project Executive at Maltepe District Governorship of Istanbul. In this role, he developed and managed numerous social equity and inclusion-oriented education projects funded by organizations such as UNHCR, Save the Children of Istanbul, Ministry of Development Agencies, and European Union fundings. He was recognized as the Principal Investigator of the Best State Project in 2019 by the Turkish Ministry of Interior.
Research Interests
Technology leadership
Professional learning
Social network analysis
Critical education theories
2948 7393
Dr. Kouhsari is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership at the Education University of Hong Kong. Her academic achievements include being recognized as an Outstanding Student (2017) at Ferdowsi University in Iran and as a Talented Student by the National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (2018). Additionally, she received the Outstanding Student award at Kharazmi University in 2021. She has also worked as a research assistant in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership at the Education University of Hong Kong. Her previous research focused on both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Currently, her recent projects involve Latent Profile Analysis, Psychological Network Models, and Multilevel Models.
Research Interests
Positive Organizational Behavior
Positive School Leadership
Instructional Leadership
Digital Transformation in Education.
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Name | Title | 电话 | 电邮 |
陈智伟先生 | 客席讲师 | chancwricky@eduhk.hk | |
戚本盛先生 | 客席讲师 | punshing@eduhk.hk | |
邓欣恩博士 | 客席讲师 | yydang@eduhk.hk | |
许俊炎先生 | 客席讲师 | scyhui@eduhk.hk | |
关绮云博士 | 客席讲师 | ywkwan@eduhk.hk | |
林黎倩婷博士 | 客席讲师 | lydia@eduhk.hk | |
李咏贤女士 | 客席讲师 | leewingyin@eduhk.hk | |
梁恩荣博士 | 客席讲师 | ywleung@eduhk.hk | |
梁锐基博士 | 客席讲师 | yuikei@eduhk.hk | |
吕惠珊女士 | 客席讲师 | wslui@eduhk.hk | |
罗慧燕博士 | 客席讲师 | wylo@eduhk.hk | |
麦耀光博士 | 客席讲师 | ykmak@eduhk.hk | |
吴迅荣教授 | 客席讲师 | swng@eduhk.hk | |
倪绍强博士 | 客席讲师 | gngai@eduhk.hk | |
萧亮思博士 | 客席讲师 | lssiu@eduhk.hk | |
尤汉基博士 | 客席讲师 | hkyau@eduhk.hk | |
叶庆辉先生 | 客席讲师 | hfyip@eduhk.hk | |
王小凤博士 | 客席讲师 | siufung@eduhk.hk | |
杨劲贤女士 | 客席讲师 | karenyong@eduhk.hk | |
禹慧灵先生 | 客席讲师 | yhuiling@eduhk.hk | |
阮卫华博士 | 客席讲师 | tyuen@eduhk.hk |
Research Assistant I
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