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Congratulations to Dr Jang Sung Tae for his latest article in KEDI Journal of Educational Policy



Congratulations to Dr Jang Sung Tae, Assistant Professor in EPL, EdUHK for his latest article " Towards reasonable efficiency in degree production: A method for benchmarking the educational expenditures of postsecondary institutions" in KEDI Journal of Educational Policy.

Here is the abstract of the news.

Institutional efficiency is frequently measured as a ratio between input and output (e.g., expenditures per credential), but differences in cost structures preclude attempts to accurately compare and benchmark performance across institutions. This study thus compares actual and predicted educational expenditures while accounting for variation in institutional mission, degree production profiles, faculty employment, and the cost of living. Longitudinal data were obtained from IPEDS for both public and private not-for-profit four-year institutions (n=1,496). The Regional Price Parities index was used to adjust expenditures for differences in the cost of living. Panel regression was used to predict educational expenditures from the number of credentials by award level and discipline, the proportion of full-time faculty, the student-faculty ratio, and average professor salary. An educational expenditures index was then computed as the standardized, three-year average difference between actual and predicted expenditures. Cross-sector comparisons revealed that the prevalence of public four-year institutions with higher-than-expected expenditures ranged from 19 to 25 percent, compared to 36 to 40 percent of private institutions.

To see the article, please click this link.


EPL organized an education forum for student teachers



On 27 September 2019, the Department of Education Policy and Leadership organized an education forum titled “Facing Social Dilemma: Difficulties and Challenges for Student Teachers” in the Central Plaza of EdUHK Tai Po Campus.

Dr Yu Wai Bing, the host of the forum, invited Principal Lee Suet Ying, Former Chairperson of the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools and Solicitor Chong Yiu Kwong, Senior Lecturer in EPL to share their thoughts on the roles and responsibilities of student teachers in their placement schools amidst the current complex context of Hong Kong.

English and Putonghua interpretation services were provided and students were encouraged to engage in the discussion in an open atmosphere. We believe that the forum has presented some new ideas to students and helped them to build up a positive attitude to face the challenging environment.

Congratulations to Dr Timothy Yuen and Dr Leung Yan wing for their latest article in asian education and development studies


Congratulations to Dr Timothy Yuen, Assistant Professor in EPL, EdUHK and Dr Leung Yan Wing, Adjunct Professor in EPL, EdUHK for their latest article "The civic mission of schools and students’ participation in school governance" in Asian Education and Development Studies.

Here is the abstract of the article.


The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between the civic mission of schools and students on participation in school governance through an empirical study. It articulates the importance of school mission on nurturing citizenship of high school students.


The research used a mixed method with questionnaire survey in the first phase and qualitative interviews in the second phase. Quantitative data were obtained from a survey completed by 3,209 students and 495 teachers (including principals) from 51 secondary schools in Hong Kong. Qualitative data were collected from 41 individual interviews with principals and teachers and 17 focus group interviews with 56 students in five case study schools.


Both students and teachers believed that good citizenship qualities should include students’ participation in school governance. Schools in general took up the civic mission to nurture good and participatory citizens. A mission of nurturing students to become good and participatory citizens made a significant and positive contribution toward achieving students’ actual participation in school governance. However, students’ actual impact on major school policies was minimal. A paradox existed whereby students, knowing their influence over managerial issues was much circumscribed, still gave it a higher rating than their teachers.


The paper contributes an empirical model for school leaders to develop school vision for promoting student participation in school governance. Based on a large-scale research supported by public funding, the paper contributes an empirical model for school leaders to develop school vision for promoting student participation in school governance. It further adds to the literature on relationship between citizenship education, civic mission of school and student participation in governance.

To see the article, please visit this link.


Congratulations to Prof Wong Ping Man and Dr Timothy Yuen for their latest article in International Journal of Educational Management


Congratulations to Prof Wong Ping Man, Adjunt Professor in EPL, EdUHK and Dr Timothy Yuen, Assistant Professor in EPL, EdUHK for their latest article " A study of the mobility of mainland students: Factors and issues behind pursuing a teacher education program in Macau " in International Journal of Educational Management.

Here is the abstract of the article.


The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the international mobility of mainland students in special administrative regions of China and in places outside China.


There have been studies using the framework of push–pull and reverse push–pull factors to explore the movement of mainland students to North America, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong. This study follows up by exploring such research directions in Macau, which is another special administrative region of China. Different from previous studies, the sample of this study came specifically from 130 students enrolling in teacher education undergraduate programs in Macau.


In this study, using data collected from questionnaires and interviews, the factors affecting mainland student teachers’ choice of Macau as a place for their undergraduate studies are examined. Other related issues such as the challenges these students face and their intentions after their graduation are also studied.


The data collected for this study were primary and original, drawing specifically from students enrolling teacher education programs. Following the various studies on the global movement of mainland students, this study aimed at understanding mainland students’ mobility pattern in one of China’s special administration regions, Macau. In this regard, cultural identity and cultural factors were considered on top of other factors.

To see the article, please visit this link.


EPL departmental gathering for graduate freshmen



EPL organized a department gathering to welcome new MPhil, PhD and EdD students. EPL Associate Head (R&D) Dr. LU Jiafang, EdD Area Coordinator Dr. CHEN Junjun, and EPL Research Workshop for Graduate Students (RWGS) organizer Dr. CHOI Tae Hee facilitated the gathering. Eight EPL colleagues (Gail, George, James, Linnie, Sylvia, Sung Tae, Timothy, and Cass) attended the gathering and showed their warmest greetings to ten graduate students.


Dr Hayes Tang selected to the editorial board of chinese education & society


We are pleased to report that Dr Hayes Tang was invited to serve on the editorial board of the international journal Chinese Education & Society. For over half a century, the journal has identified important studies and reflected the state of empirical research on education policies and practices within China's changing society. As a world-renowned peer-reviewed periodical in the field, it offers commissioned research articles on topics of contemporary interest in the areas of education and China studies, and unabridged translations of scholarship on education and society from China.

For more information of the journal, please browse the link.


"Learning to understand a nation": Cross-faculty scholarly paper by Drs. Hayes Tang and Timothy Yuen


Congratulations to Drs. Hayes Tang and Timothy Yuen (Department of Education Policy and Leadership) and Dr. Eric Chong (Department of Social Sciences) on their latest cross-faculty publication "Learning to understand a nation: Developing a national education curriculum imbued with Catholic social ethics for Hong Kong’s primary schools". Published in Social Transformations in Chinese Societies (abstracted and indexed in American Sociological Association Publishing Options database and Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals), the scholarly paper demonstrates the way in which cross-faculty academic collaboration is paramount in addressing timely and significant issues in education and society.

For more information, please see this link.


Congratulations to Dr hayes tang on being the managing editor of the journal of comparative & international higher education


Dr. Hayes Tang was selected to be the Managing Editor of The Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education (JCIHE) (Print ISSN 2151-0393 & Online ISSN 2151-0407). JCIHE is the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society's (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG). The term of service is from 2019 to 2021. HESIG supports development, analysis, and dissemination of theory-, policy-, and practice-related issues that influence higher education. Accordingly, JCIHE publishes work from the complementary fields of comparative, international, and development education addressing these issues.

Please click here for more information about the journal.


Dr. Choi Tae Hee, a Visiting Scholar with KCL, UK, in July 2019

Dr. Choi Tae Hee has recently visited King's College London (KCL) in the UK as a visiting scholar.
Her visit, supported by the Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD) at EdUHK, enabled her to spend a month to connect with academics in two of research groups in the School of Education, Communication, and Society, i.e., the Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication, and the Centre for Public Policy Research.
During her stay, she also visited the sights of London, taking the opportunity to re-charge before she embarks on a new project funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). She recently secured a 3-year grant amounting to HKD 1,150,000 for a project concerning the drivers and processes of privatisation of English education for Speakers of Other Languages, and their implications on student learning and teacher professionalism. It is a mixed-method, comparative study involving 15 other colleagues from Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and Greece.
To see an article on her visit published by the KCL, please visit here.

Dr. Choi Tae Hee on medium of instruction policies in higher education (BAAL Language Learning and Teaching SIG Conference)

Dr. Choi Tae Hee has recently presented at the annual conference of the Language Learning and Teaching Special Interest Group of the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL), which was held at the University of Bath, UK, on 28-29 June 2019.
The conference has invited academics from around the world, who jointly explored the role of languages in teaching and learning in a variety of contexts. In this regard, Dr. Choi has shared her latest research finindgs (co-investigated with Prof. Bob Adamson) in a talk titled ‘Pedagogical aftermath of a politically driven medium of instruction (MOI) policy’, analysing the complexities involved in an MOI policy in higher education and some key implications for teaching and learning, when for the majority of students, the MOI is not their strongest language. The findings will soon be published in a book (Routledge) with an open access funded by the Language Training and Testing Center, Taiwan.
For more information, please visit here.

Dr. Choi Tae Hee presented her research in BAAL Language Policy Forum

The forum was held on 30-31 May in the University of Edinburgh in UK, under the theme of ‘Language Policy: Lenses, Layers, Entry Points’. Scholars from the globe who share interest in language policy have joined this annual event.
At the forum, Dr. Choi shared her latest analysis, titled as ‘China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Opportunities and linguistic challenges for Hong Kong’ on China’s Belt and Road Initiatives and its impact on the multilingualism in Hong Kong and how the initiatives can be appropriated as an opportunity for improving the life chance for linguistic minority people (co-authored with Prof. Bob Adamson). In addition, Dr. Choi chaired the networking session of the forum, providing all participants with a valuable chance to build up the connection with each other, in search for future collaboration in research.

Congratulations to Dr. Gail Yuen on winning the Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding

Congratulations to Dr. Gail Yuen on winning a new research grant for her project titled “Investigating Space in Kindergartens under the Free Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme”. A total amount of HK$537,050 is granted for this project which will last for 14 months from July 2019 to August 2020.

Here is the background of the project:

Kindergarten spaces are not meeting the policy goal of promoting children's holistic wellbeing set by the Hong Kong government. These spaces are limited in size, and characterised by spatial practices that privilege static desk-based tasks over active play, physical movement and multi-sensory experiences.

The proposed study will address these problems by producing new knowledge about the spaces and spatial practices of kindergartens participating in the Free Quality Kindergarten Education (FQKE) scheme. One important direction of the FQKE policy is to improve premises and facilities, as well as identify possible options to increase premise provision in the long run. This new policy therefore has set the stage for rethinking the spaces and spatial practices of kindergartens.

Grounded in social theories of space, the proposed study will adopt a mixed-methods approach, using participant observation, child-led walking tours, walking interviews with teachers and principals and a large-scale questionnaire survey. Qualitative data will be generated from five kindergartens selected for case studies (35 children, teachers and principals in total). Quantitative data will be produced through a survey to all FQKE kindergartens (around 750). The study will produce new knowledge about the availability and use of space in Hong Kong kindergartens, and how different kinds of space and spatial practice affect children’s wellbeing and learning in these kindergartens. The results will have significant implications, both for policy planning and improvement of kindergarten premises and related measures (e.g. facilities, spatial standards), and for developing professional capacity to enhance the quality of education through better use of space.

Visitors from Beijing Normal University!

Prof. Zhu Zhiyong and Dr. Tsang Kwok Kuen from Beijing Normal University visited EdUHK during 19-21 February, 2019. During their stay, presentations were delivered in two respective seminars. Details of the seminars are as follows:


FEHD Education Policy Research Cluster Seminar Series

Toward Equity: Confronting the Stratified Systems in Education

Presentation topics:

Shadow Education as a Means to Get Out of Poverty: A Case Study of a Student from a Low-Income Family (Dr. Yung Wai Ho Kevin, EdUHK)

Academic Ritual: Case Study on the Doctoral Dissertation Defense in Mainland China (Prof. Zhu Zhiyong, Beijing Normal University)


FEHD Education Policy Research Cluster Seminar Series

The 'Missing' Experiences in Education

Presentation topics:

A Missing Link? – Vocational Education Policy in the Secondary School Sector in Hong Kong (Mr. Hui Hon Wing Joe, EdUHK) 

Teachers' Emotional Experiences, Power, and Interpretation in the Context of Education Reform (Dr. Tsang Kwok Kuen, Beijing Normal University)


Dr. Choi Tae Hee visited the University of Queensland in February

Dr. Choi Tae Hee spent a week between February 3-9, 2019 in the University of Queensland for FEHD International Research Exchange. During her stay, she has delivered the following presentation:

Presentation topic:

Path-dependency for Policy Enactment: Outsourcing of Teaching in Public Schools in South Korea and Hong Kong



Dr. Hayes Tang Co-edited the Inaugural Special Issue in Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education

Congratulations to Dr. Hei-hang Hayes Tang on co-editing the Inaugural Special Issue entitled “Academic Profession, Entrepreneurial Universities and Scholarship of Application” in Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education, the official journal of Comparative and International Education Society’s (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG).

The Special Issue seeks to examine the way academic entrepreneurialism manifests itself in the changing discourses of the notion of “scholarship”, its impact on the changing academic profession as well as on the world conditions beyond the academy. It particularly investigates the contexts, rationales, definitions and implications of the discursive field of the “scholarship of application”. It comprises four papers which research the changing connections between higher education, society and economy. The papers address development, analysis, and dissemination of theory-, policy-, and practice-related issues that are related to the theme of entrepreneurial university and academic profession and influence the social role and impact of higher education.The four papers contain single or various country cases or institutional cases supporting higher education practices in relation to academic entrepreneurialism and Scholarship of Application (SoA). The Special Issue, as a whole, offers some informed analysis with a focus on regional, national and institutional policies related to the SoA.

For more information about the Special Issue, please visit here.



Keynote at the Institutional Ethnography Colloquium at McGill University

Dr. Hayes Tang co-delivered the keynote presentation entitled “Institutional Ethnographies and Higher Education in Hong Kong and Canada” with Dr. Naomi Nichols at the Institutional Ethnography (IE) Colloquium at McGill University on 5th December, 2018. For IE colleagues and graduate students from universities in Canada and the United States, the two-day colloquium was featured by two keynote presentations and the graduate students’ presentations in the field.

The audience was fortunate to learn from the first keynote "40 years of Sociology for People" by Professors Dorothy E. Smith, Marjerie Devault and Lauren Eastwood. Professor Dorothy E. Smith, aged 92, is among the pioneers who established the field of IE in the past half century. There is a distinguished scholarship award by the American Sociological Association (ASA) named after her (Dorothy E. Smith Award). Dr. Tang received invaluable comments from Professor Smith for his current project about IE and ‘entrepreneurial universities’.

Dr. Tang's keynote presentation was part of the Third Annual Exchange Project sponsored by WYNG Foundation under the theme “Maximizing Youth Potential in a Complex World.” The McGill International Institute of Education (MIIE) hosted the visit and Dr. Tang has created mutually beneficial and lasting research-oriented collaborations with the McGill colleague Dr. Naomi Nichols (Department of Integrated Studies in Education, DISE), who will visit the EdUHK Faculty of Education and Human Development from 11th to 15th March, 2019.

During the upcoming visit by Dr. Nichols, she will deliver two public talks: (1) Going Beyond the Research Assessment Exercise: Community Engagement, Social Impacts and Passionate Scholarship and (2) Research Excellence with a Soul: How to Enjoy Grant-writing. She will share with the FEHD and University communities her effective experience in community engagement (from her expert projects on homeless youths in Canada), 'impactful' cases of knowledge transfer and passionate scholarship with successful grant application.

Report by the McGill University can be found at here.



New Article - World-Class Universities and Female Leadership in the Academic Profession: Case Studies of East Asian Higher Education

Article Details: Tang, H. H. H. (2019). World-class universities and female leadership in academic profession: Case studies of east asian higher education. In D. E. Neubauer & S. Kaur (Eds.), Gender and the Changing Face of Higher Education in Asia Pacific (pp. 41-56). Cham : Springer International Publishing.

Click for more info




Co-Editing a Special Issue in Critical Studies in Education

Dr. Choi Tae Hee, together with Prof. Bob Lingard from the University of Queensland, is to co-edit a special issue titled ‘Social Justice and Education in Asia in a Time of Transition’ in Critical Studies in Education (EdUHK Rank A*). This special issue consists of works across Indo-Asia region, including Australia, China (Shanghai), Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, the Philippines and India. It has the aims to capture the vivid realities of education and social justice as experienced and perceived by different educational stakeholders across levels, by documenting and analysing how individuals and the societies create and recreate their meanings, while wading through the turbulence created by transitions and turmoil instigated by varied traditional and new discourses about education. Contributors of this special issue involve EPL colleague (Dr. Choi Tae Hee, Dr. Gail Yuen, and Dr. Hayes Tang) and other local and global experts in Education Policy (Prof. Bob Lingard, Dr. Keita Takayama, Professor Fazal Rizvi, Dr. Charlene Tan, Dr. Beatrice Y. Y. Dang, Dr. Aaron Koh, Dr. Celeste Yuen, Dr. Vincent Reyes, and Dr. Antonio Verger).



New Internal Research Grant (IRG)!

Congratulations to Dr Hayes Tang on winning a new research grant. Currently he is active in conducting and publishing research about entrepreneurial universities, academic profession and institutional analysis. He presented the research findings and new research direction at Johns Hopkins University and McGill University in the season. This IRG aims to examine the notion of ‘impact’ of higher education on society and economy from the perspectives of academic profession. Firstly, it will explore the factors which motivate academic professionals to engage in a good practice of knowledge transfer and investigates the elements constituting good practice of knowledge transfer investigate. It will focus on examining how academics of different fields or disciplines understand the notion of impact of knowledge transfer activities and their relationship with the public mission of higher education. Finally, empirical data from this study will enhance our understanding about how the professional works of knowledge transfer, research and teaching are coordinated, prioritised and integrated in the context of an education university. The finding of this research will inform EdUHK, Hong Kong’s UGC-funded universities and higher education institutions internationally to improve their policies of knowledge transfer and to promote good practices which sustain a meaningful balance between teaching, research and knowledge transfer/ exchange among the university missions.



Visitors from The University of Strathclyde!

Arranged and organized by the FEHD Education Policy Research Cluster, Dr. David Lewin, Dr. Karsten Kenklies, Dr. Paul Adams, and Dr. Sharon Jessop from the University of Strathclyde, the top education university in Scotland, visited EdUHK during 7-12 December 2018. During the visit, the Strathclyde Team shared their latest work together with colleagues from EdUHK in two research seminars. The details are as follows:


FEHD Education Policy Research Cluster Seminar Series

Education Policy and ‘The Social’

Presentation topics:

Internationalisation and Post-Truth: Some Initial Thoughts (Dr. Paul Adams, The University of Strathclyde)

Student Teachers, Values and Standards: What Do We Know and What Can We Find Out? (Dr. Sharon Jessop, The University of Strathclyde)

Ethnic Minority Students’ Progression to University in Hong Kong: Education Policies for Access and Equity (Dr. Gao Fang, EdUHK)


FEHD Education Policy Research Cluster Seminar Series

Intercultural Encounters in Education

Presentation topics:

Theoretical Considerations of Progressive Education in Intercultural Contexts (Dr. David Lewin, The University of Strathclyde) 

Practical Challenges of Intercultural Encounters between Scottish and Chinese Students and Staff (Dr. Karsten Kenklies, The University of Strathclyde) 

Intercultural Dialogues in Citizenship/ National Education in the Context of HK Catholic Schools (Dr. Tang Hei Hang Hayes, Dr. Yuen Wai Wa Timothy, & Dr. Chong King Man Eric, EdUHK)



Prof. Bob Lingard’s Visit to the EdUHK!

Supported by the EPL department, Prof. Bob Lingard, Emeritus Professor at the University of Queensland and a Professorial Fellow at the Australian Catholic University, visited EdUHK from 22nd – 30th Oct 2018. In connection to this, 2 stimulating programmes were organized:


Education Policy Research Cluster Seminar Series

Presentation topics:

Globalisation, New Spatialities and New Modes of Statecraft: Implications for Researching Education Policy (Prof. Bob Lingard, The University of Queensland)


Education Policy Research Cluster Forum Series

Basic Education Provision in Partnership with 3rd Parties: Practice, Issues, and Ways Forward

Presentation topics:

Education Outsourcing in Hong Kong & South Korea (Dr. Choi Tae Hee, EdUHK)

Data Infrastructures and the Restructuring of Public Schools in Australia (Prof. Bob Lingard, The University of Queensland)

Marketisation of Hong Kong Early Childhood Education (Dr. Yuen Wai Kwan Gail, EdUHK)



Dr. Gail Yuen's Study is Recommended as the Outstanding Paper for the 2017/2018 Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference (HKSAC)

The 2017 / 2018 Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference (HKSAC), co-organized by the Academy of Hong Kong Studies (EdUHK) and Hong Kong Studies Programme (HKU), will be held at The University of Hong Kong on 13 and 14 December 2018.

HKSAC aims at bringing together the Hong Kong studies research community and promoting exchange, sharing and collaboration of Hong Kong-focused research. HKSAC also wishes to make best use of the annual occasion for honoring outstanding papers in different disciplines of Hong Kong Studies. For this purpose, a Review Panel comprising of the distinguished scholars was formed to identify and recommend outstanding papers published in hardcopy in peer-reviewed English academic journals in 2017 / 2018.

Dr. Gail Yuen's paper is recommended as one of the outstanding papers for HKSAC. She has been invited to receive the award and deliver her paper titled "Mothers' experiences of a voucher scheme within the context of Hong Kong's early education: Issues of affordability and justice" at the conference.

You may click here for the paper if you are interested.



Paper Presentation at The European Conference on Educational Research 2018, Bolzano, Italy

Title: Equity of outsourced public education: A case of Hong Kong secondary schools

Speaker: Choi Tae Hee 

Date: 3rd - 7th September, 2018 



(Policy Advisory) Keynote Speech at The Forum on the Impact of Education Policies on National Productivity Growth, Manila, Philippines

Dr. Choi Tae Hee was invited to provide advisory on educational policies at the Forum on the Impact of Education Policies on National Productivity Growth in Manila, 14–17 August 2018. The forum, organized by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) sponsored by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific as well as by the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), examined approaches to raise the impact of education policies of the member countries to better prepare their youth for the future.

Dr. Choi delivered three addresses: (1) The Future of Public Education in Partnership with the Private Sector: Issues and Possible Policy Solutions; (2) Impactful Educational Policies: Incorporating Contextual Factors in Their Design and Implementation; (3) Re-conceptualising Teacher Expertise in the 21st Century and Its Evaluation. The first presentation helped disseminate findings from her ECS project funded by the RGC.

The presentations have been well received by thirty-five policy makers and think-tank researchers from 11 APO country members. Dr. Choi also led group discussions and action planning afterward for the participants to apply their new knowledge to designing new reforms or revising planned and ongoing educational reforms. Through the forum, she was invited to some follow-up projects, including advisory to help revise teacher education and appraisal programmes in Iran.

Date: 14th - 17th August, 2018



New Project Launched! - Privatisations in Education: Exploratory Cases in Australia, Greece and Hong Kong

Project Title: Privatisations in education: Exploratory cases in Australia, Greece and Hong Kong

Member(s) Involved: Choi Tae Hee (PI), Bob Lingard (Co-I)

Project Duration: June 2018 - June 2019

Click for more info



Paper Presentation at The 16th Asia TEFL 1st MAAL & 6th HAAL 2018 International Conference, Macau, China

Title: Implementation and impact of languages-in-education policies: Presentation of a comparative analytical framework

Speaker: Choi Tae Hee 

Date: 27th June, 2018 



New Article - Sustainability of Massification in East Asian Higher Education: Community Colleges in Hong Kong in Retrospect and Prospects

Article Details: Tang, H. H. H., Tsui, C. P. G., & Chau, C. F. W. (2018). Sustainability of massification in East Asian higher education: Community colleges in Hong Kong in retrospect and prospects. In R. L. Raby & E. Valeau (Eds.), Handbook of comparative studies on community colleges and global counterparts (pp. 63-82). New York: Springer.

Click for more info



New Project Launched! - Historical Development of Educational Policies in Hong Kong

Project Title: Historical development of educational policies in Hong Kong

Member(s) Involved: Lo Wai Yin (PI), Choi Tae Hee (PI); Hui Hon Wing Joe (Co-I)

Project Duration: October 2017 - June 2018



Culturally Responsive Family Engagment (CRFE) Programme Series: Appreciating and Working with Culturally Diverse Families - Transition from Early Years to Primary Education: Increasing Successful Immigrant and Minority Family Engagement with Children's Learning in Hong Kong

Date: 13th January, 2018 

Led by Dr. Celeste Yuen Yuet-mui, the captioned Quality Education Fund (QEF) project’s team conducted the CRFE programme series on 13th January 2018, in collaboration with Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL). More than 100 participants attended the programme series. More than 150 participants* gathered at E-P-01 in EdUHK. The programme began by celebrating the launch of the Project’s e-Platform. Parallel sessions, which focus on family engagement and professional development, were conducted afterwards. In order to promote culturally responsive collaboration among families and schools, the programme also arranged a thematic seminar on Appreciating and Working with Culturally Diverse Families. Representatives from two of our collaborators, Christian Action and Hong Kong Unison, shared their available services and professional experiences towards Chinese immigrants and ethnic minorities in Hong Kong.

In the afternoon, more than 37 parents and 50 children participated in the community engagement. Families visited the Hong Kong Central Library and learned more about Hong Kong’s public services. They also had an educational tour at Legislative Council. All parents (100%) agreed that the engagement facilitated their understanding of and connection with the society. Many urged for similar events to be arranged in the future. 

For more information about the QEF Project, please visit the following link: Future updates and programmes will be announced regularly.





First Education Forum for Primary School Students

Speaker: Yu Wai Bing

Date: 24th November, 2017 



Education Policy Research Hub Seminar Series (2)

TitleA minority paradox: South Asian youth reported better well-being and engagement with school and society than their Chinese counterparts in Hong Kong

Speaker: Yuen Yuet Mui Celeste

Date: 24th October, 2017



Knowledge Transfer Programme on Becoming a Global Leader in the Changing Context for Seoul Global High School

Date: 18th September, 2017

A half-day workshop organised by the Hub, the Department of Education Policy and Leadership and the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) was held on 18th September. Representatives from the Seoul Global High School (SGHS), an elite international school in Korea aiming to nurture global citizens and leaders, paid a special visit to the EdUHK. 140 students along with 10 teachers joined the event.

Dr. Choi Tae-hee led a seminar entitled ‘Becoming a global leader in the changing context’. Dr. Choi discussed the importance of developing a global perspective as youths aspiring to be future leaders, as well as awareness of global change trends such as an ever-increasing role of educational businesses in public education. She also shared her own experiences and strategies to help the youths to take important steps toward becoming a global leader. Finally, students were asked to predict the changes to occur in the future and ways to prepare for them. The visiting teaches and students actively engaged in the talk, reflection activities and discussions. The representatives expressed their deepest appreciation of the meaningful, thought-provoking seminar.





Education Policy Research Hub Seminar Series (1)

Title: State-funded outsourcing of English language education: Implications on the equality and equity of education

Speaker: Choi Tae Hee

Date: 28th July, 2017




Website launched in June 2017!