UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning, The Education University of Hong Kong UNEVOC Network Portal

Date 2012-06-12
Time 8:30 - 17:30
E-mail kwoksy@ied.edu.hk
Tel 29486329


To date, pressure to move to lower carbon emissions comes from a realization that sustainable growth can only be achieved through consideration of processes in a global sense, and over a timescale that considers the effects on future generations. The transition to sustainability is currently focused on: efficient use of energy; greater use of renewable energy and  associated investment in technology development; waste reduction, which also means lower pollutant emissions; production that conserves natural resources; and understanding that environmental regulations, standards and economic instruments are not a hindrance to production, but essential for achieving sustainability.

Aims and objectives of the Forum

-     The Forum will provide an excellent opportunity for participants with an interest in  green skills to exchange ideas and experience.

-     Government representatives will be invited to inform on the actions and policy developments in response to the 2009 report “climate Change: Action in Hong Kong”, and vocational education policy on green issues and Education for sustainability.

-     NGOs will be invited to talk about initiatives and partnerships with businesses in Hong Kong concerning greening, skills for employability, educating and training for a carbon constrained future and working with the community and employers.

-     Representatives from TVET policy and training sectors are invited to share their work in terms of policy development to react to the increasing need for skills for green jobs and greening skills for existing jobs.

Long term objective

The Forum should be considered the start of a process to provide a means to regularly monitor and disseminate information on training requirements for green skills as required by industry and business in Hong Kong, and a review of policies and practices in TVET in response to providing workers with the necessary skills for employability in an economy that is becoming increasingly carbon constrained.