


Prof KO Po Yuk Wins a Research Project to Help Special Needs Students


Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) has won a one-year research project to review the effectiveness of integrated education policy in HK.

The project, commissioned by the Equal Opportunities Commission, will identify challenges mainstream schools face in educating SEN students. It will also assess the effectiveness of current policies to help integrated education, and identify school best practices. 

 “The Government provides each public school with a SEN Coordinator to support integrated education in different phases,” Prof KO Po Yuk, the Principal Investigator of the project, said. “Although these measures can be beneficial, the rights to inclusive education and equal education opportunities for SEN students have not been adequately addressed. Our project is expected to fill the gap.”

As this project illustrates, C&I is committed to promoting integrated education and taking education-for-all to the Next Level