


Dr Kevin Yung receives donation to develop an online learning platform for underprivileged students


Dr Kevin Yung has recently received a donation of HKD200,000 from Shang Shin Chun Tong Charitable Foundation and Venture Global Limited for the development of an online learning platform for Principal Chan Free Tutorial World (陳校長免費補習天地). The Tutorial World is a non-governmental organisation offering one-on-one fee-free supplementary tutoring for underprivileged students with financial difficulties in Hong Kong.

The online learning platform will systematically host a series of self-study videos and teaching and learning resources for volunteer tutors to enrich their tutorial lessons and for students to learn independently. Dr Kevin Yung will lead the project and collaborate with IT experts to develop a user-friendly platform with substantial resources for self-study. Student teachers will be involved in reviewing the teaching videos and enhancing their quality to enrich primary and secondary school students’ learning in Chinese, English and Mathematics in the local curriculum. The development of the platform demonstrates another endeavor of EdUHK-community partnership for enhancing student learning collaboratively.