Message in May 2019


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May  2019

( Pandora’s Box: The Drawbacks of e-Parenting )

Earlier in a parent talk, a group of primary and junior secondary school parents shared their deep concern in handling the use of mobile phone by their children. Conflicts arose frequently as they tried to impose control on it.                                                    

It is quite common for young kids to have their own cellphones due to the needs of learning and peer communication. However, the small screen is like a curse that cannot be put aside after it is picked up. It is so attractive to surf in the internet, watching funny video, playing online games as well as getting addicted to social media. In fact, mobile phones and tablets are much handier than desktop computers.  

The invention of Internet and communication technology has revolutionized learning and teaching. Everything has changed concerning knowledge transfer and accumulation, social control as well as interpersonal relationship. The advancement is of course great, but the challenges on children development are devastating.

E-learning is inevitable for school kids nowadays but using IT devices without control is just another thing. Young parents are not aware of the problem of using e-soothers. On the other hand, it is also common among parents to think that early pick-up of IT skills is beneficial for learning. Heavy reliance on IT devices in learning will hinder young kids from learning from the real world. 

Competition and quick-fit culture of modern society makes parents forget the essence of education and parenting gradually. Result oriented and screwed practice may result in losing interest and excessive pressure and anxiety. The phenomenon of using electronic devices to pacify young kids becomes quite common. It is convenient to control their misbehavior by keeping them busy on the screen. While these opportunities to train and teach as well as quality time are replaced by shortcut, the “Pandora’s Box” is opened with great and unexpected troubles. Children may be addicted to sedentary screen, lacking self-control and perseverance with social and learning impairment. The World Health Organization reports child obesity resulting from a reduction of physical activities. 

Parents should be warned to close the lid of the Pandora’s Box which still has “Hope” inside as in the Greek myth. The use of electronic screen devices should be carefully controlled. Only human face to face interaction and real life experience can lead to character building and healthy development of personality.


Servant pastor

Rev. Benedict Shum