The Will of God

Date: 19-3-2019 (Tue)
Time: 12:45 – 2:00 p.m.
Venue: EdUHK Tai Po Campus      D1-LP-07
Speaker: Dr. Chan Man Ho (Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies, EdUHK)

What is the will of God? Will God always have a specific will for us? How to understand the will of God? How do you know that something is God's will? Should we always seek God's will? Dr. Chan pointed out that the revelation from God can be divided into general revelation (from the Bible and God created nature which most people can explore and understand) and special revelation (contextual with personal uniqueness). God can have a special will or calling on us, which is uncommon and therefore should be carefully interpreted. God gives us free will and the responsibility to bear the consequences. To distinguish the will of God, Dr. Chan suggested that we can make use of the "Inference to the Best Explanation" Model in philosophy of science. To review afterward can also be used to understand the will of God. We must continue to deepen our understanding of God through experience, to study the Word of God (Bible) carefully and be cautious about confirmation bias as far as possible. In other words, our relationship with God as well as our knowledge of God determine how God's will is accomplished in man. The only way to know the will of God is to know God Himself.