Professional Development in Education leading to Life Mission

Date: 13-12-2018 (Thu)
Time: 12:45 – 2:00 p.m.
Venue: EdUHK Tai Po Campus    D1-LP-06
Speaker: Dr Tan Yau Yee (University of South Australia)

Dr. Christopher Tan frankly shared his three different stages on his educational mission. Twenty years ago, after many years of work, Dr. Tan asked the question: "How should I go further in my future career?" He started the first stage: "Life exploration Period", to study hard and determine to help others to grow into future professions. After a period of time, Dr. Tan started his ministry of "career planning education" and thus entered the second stage: "Professional Development Period". He actively incorporated "experiential learning" into his program design to influence teachers and students to be responsible for their own lives. A few years ago, Dr. Tan moved on to the "Life Mission Period", to nurture the next generation of teachers, to set up a university student social enterprise and to develop "Future Game" for primary and secondary students as career education experience. These programs received very good response and students’ mindset changed miraculously. Finally, Dr. Tan did not forget to use his own experience to encourage participants to explore the meaning of missional life.