The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2020-2021

President’s Overview The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 6 President’s Overview 校長的話 Preparing for the future of education Technology has a profound impact on learning and teaching, unleashing new possibilities and opportunities for educators. It is also indispensable for our younger generations in coping with an ever-changing world. Investing in educational technology is investing in our future. To this end, we kicked off a forward-looking ‘Future Classrooms’ project that integrates technology, pedagogy and learning. Our ultimate goal is to promote a new concept of classroom teaching in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. On talent development, we took steps to equip prospective and in-service teachers with the necessary technological competency, so that they could become effective learning facilitators, ready to embrace different types of technology in the digital era, be they artificial intelligence (AI), educational technology or art technology. I am pleased with the introduction of AI into related BEd programmes, along with the provision of coding and STEM education for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. 迎接未來教育 科技發展釋放新潛能與新機遇,為學與教帶來深遠影 響。對年輕一代而言,要在瞬息萬變的世代立足,科技 素養更是必不可少。投放資源於教育科技,就是投資未 來。有鑑於此,本校已開展具前膽性的「未來教室」計 劃,將創新科技、教學法與學習等元素,共冶一爐。最 終目的是把這套嶄新的課堂理念,推廣至幼稚園及中小 學。而在人才培育方面,本校亦積極按部就班地提升準 教師與在職教師的資訊科技能力,讓他們能充分掌握數 碼世代下不同類型的新興科技,不論是人工智能、教育 科技,還是藝術科技等,以成為高效能的教育促進者。 因此,本校在教育學士課程加入人工智能元素,並於各 級課程提供編程與STEM教學等培訓,予修讀學士、碩 士與博士課程的學生選讀。 It gives me great pleasure to present the Overview for 2020-21, a year in which we made great strides on various fronts, including educational innovation and inventions, research output and impact, and international acclaim, notably with a record high of 29 prestigious awards garnered around the globe in recognition of our inventions in education, language and linguistics, and environmental conservation. 這是教大二零二零至二一年度的發展匯報。我萬分欣慰,過去一年我們在 教育創新與發明、研究成果與影響,以及國際聲譽等領域,均表現超卓, 碩果纍纍;尤其,本校在世界各地贏取了二十九個國際發明殊榮,涵蓋: 教育、語文及語言學,以及環境保育等創新研發,寫下佳績。