The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2020-2021

校董會主席前言 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 5 成就斐然 毫無疑問,創造知識與傳播學問,同為大學核心使命。 教大自正名以來,在研究及知識轉移方面,成績斐然。 除研究表現出眾外,本校學者還致力將學術成果轉化 為教育創新及研發,提升學與教及相關領域的素質, 令人鼓舞。在「教育為本,超越教育」的理念下,教大 積極拓闊研究領域,涵蓋:心理學、環境保育、地球及 自然科學、語言學及電腦科學等,營造學術氛圍,充滿 朝氣,有利促進研究卓越。 展望將來,我期望教大可以繼續發揮所長,貢獻本地學 界,並加強支援一帶一路沿線等境外地區的教師發展, 提升區內教研實力。憑藉本校的專業知識及成功經驗, 我們正致力與不同地區及國際機構加強協作,結成夥 伴,共同推動教育改革,提升發展中國家的教師發展。 衷心致謝 作為大學的新成員,我期盼在未來的日子裡,能與各持 份者會面交流。我更藉此機會,衷心感謝離任的校董會 成員:馬時亨教授、趙麗娟女士、招祥麒博士、霍經麟 先生、潘永潔醫生、呂大樂教授、鄭雅儀博士及黃泳其 小姐。他們在任時為本校提供許多寶貴建議,貢獻良 多。同時,我亦在此歡迎新任成員:廖達賢先生、邱少 雄先生、楊全盛先生、楊燕芝女士、楊立偉教授、陳智 軒教授、朴宰亨博士和楊逸銘先生。我深信,大家同心 協力,教大定可在重要策略範疇再創高峰,邁向全新里 程。 黃友嘉博士, GBS, JP 校董會主席 Impressive achievements It goes without saying that knowledge creation and dissemination are central to the University’s mission. What EdUHK has achieved in terms of research and knowledge transfer since its retitling has been remarkable. In addition to our robust research performance, it is gratifying to see the translation of our scholarly output into educational innovation and inventions, which has brought about tangible advances in learning, teaching and related areas. Under the Education-plus approach, we have expanded our scope to cover new and emerging disciplines, including psychology, environmental conservation, earth and physical sciences, linguistics and computer studies. This has, in turn, fostered a more vibrant and dynamic environment that is conducive to research excellence. Moving forward, it is my hope that the University can make even greater contributions to the local school sector while supporting teacher development and capacity building outside Hong Kong, especially in Belt and Road countries. With our track record and expertise, we are striving to become a partner with more regional and international organisations in driving educational reform and teaching enhancement in developing economies. Vote of thanks As a new member of the University, I look forward to meeting and exchanging views with our stakeholders in the days ahead. I would like to express my gratitude to the outgoing Council Officers and Members, Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang, Ms Susanna Chiu Lai-kuen, Dr Chiu Cheung-ki, Mr Glenn Fok, Dr Grace Poon Wing-kit, Professor Lui Tailok, Dr Irene Cheng Nga-yee, and Miss Kris Wong Wing-ki, for their wise counsel and invaluable input during their terms. Meanwhile, I wish to welcome Mr Kennedy Liu Tat-yin, Mr Yau Siu-hung, Mr Eric Yeung Chuensing, Ms Jennifer Yeung Yin-chi, Professor Ben Young, Professor Chetwyn Chan Che-hin, Dr Park Jae Hyung, and Mr Yeung Yat-ming, who have joined the Council as new Members. Working together with concerted efforts, I have every confidence that we can scale new heights in our key strategic areas and reach new milestones. Dr DavidWong Yau-kar, GBS, JP Chairman of the Council