The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2020-2021

Learning and Teaching: Preparing for the Future The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 12 年內,教大具前瞻性的「未來教室」計劃, 由規劃、落實至正式啟動,均如期展開。該 計劃結合創新科技、教學法與互動學習的元 素,建構屬於未來的教學實驗空間。此外, 本校今年亦邁進另一新里程,首度迎來持有 雙學位資格,主修創意文化與藝術或語文 研究的文學士及教育學士畢業生;而首批中 史、地理及科學的教育學士課程學生亦於 同年畢業。本校積極拓展與教育相輔相成的 學科領域,實踐「教育為本,超越教育」的 理念。 The period saw the planning, execution and launch of a forward-looking ‘Future Classrooms’ project, which aims at creating an experimental space, integrating technology, pedagogy and interactive learning. Another milestone was the graduation of the first cohort of BEd students with double degrees in creative arts and culture or language studies, as well as students majoring in Chinese history, geography and science. With the expanding scope of subject disciplines complementary to our expertise in education, the University has been moving forward in line with its Education-plus approach.