Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 7, Issue 2, Article 5 (Dec., 2006)
Xiao-qin LAI
The status quo of the science education in Guangxi middle school
The status quo of the science education in Guangxi middle school
Xiao-qin LAI
Guangxi Education College
Nanning, 530023, CHINA
Email: lxqin@swu.edu.cn
Received 20 Oct., 2006
Revised 21 Dec., 2006
17 middle school principals were surveyed by means of the questionnaires and interview to investigate the status quo of the science education in Guangxi middle school, including students’ science learning time in classroom, science teachers’ morale, students’ morale, the quality of school’s human and material resources, and obstacles in science education. The results showed that physics and chemistry learning time in classroom were more than that of geography and biology. Although some schools had effective science teachers and computer resources, many schools were short of them, and the ratios of student-science teacher, student-computer and teacher-computer are high, especially in junior secondary schools. The results also revealed that many science teachers had great enthusiasm and new ideas in science teaching and reform. Furthermore, most students had positive attitude in science study, they were cooperative and respectful, but were not being provided enough opportunities to achieve their full potential. Finally, some suggestions were given to improve the quality of basic science education.
Keywords: Guangxi, middle school, science education
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