Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 19, Issue 2, Article 10 (Dec., 2018)
Anisa O. S PRATAMA, Abdurrahman ABDURRAHMAN and Tri JALMO
The effect of science-technology-society approach-based worksheets on improving Indonesian students' scientific literacy

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Scientific literacy consists of content (science as knowledge), process (science as a process of investigation and a way of thinking) and context (the interaction(s) amongst science, technology, and society). The results of the normalized gain scores (n-Gain) for each domain of the grade 7 students' scientific literacy levels are displayed in Table 4.

Table 4. The results of n-Gain and independent samples t-test




Uji-t n-Gain
Sig. (2- tailed)

Pre test
(x̄ ± sd)

Post test
(x̄ ± sd)

(x̄ ± sd)

Control (n=32)

44.4 ± 8.41

67.6 ± 6.62

0.48 ± 0.13


Significantly different

pPost tes=0,000, pn-Gain=0,000)

Experiment (n=32)

49.4 ± 7.95

77.3 ± 7.28

0.66 ± 0.14


As seen in Table 4, n-Gain value of the experimental group was found to be 0.66, meaning a significant improvement of grade 7 students' scientific literacy levels from pretest to posttest, whilst that for the control group was calculated to be 0.48, meaning an improvement for low rank students in scientific literacy level. Therefore, improvements significantly occurred in the experimental group. Based The value of Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 rejected to a significant difference between the experimental and control groups’ n-Gain scientific literacy levels. An increase in each student’s n-Gainis shown in Figure 2. N-Gain scores of grade 7 students' scientific literacy levels on domains of the content, process, and context of science illuminates  that the experimental group had a higher n-Gain average, which fell into the moderate category.

Figure 2.N-Gain scores of grade 7 students' scientific literacy levels

Finally, a power analysis to determine the minimum effect size of the quasi-experimental research design was conducted. For analysis of grade 7 students’ skills in pre-test and post-test, a total of the sample of the study was assumed to be N= 64. That is, there were two groups  and two assessment times (i.e., pre-test and post-test). Effect size of the least analyse fort he experimental group was found to be p.η2 = 0.767.


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