Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 18, Issue 1, Article 1 (Jun., 2017)
Bea Hana SISWATI and Aloysius Duran COREBIMA
Study on the correlation between metacognitive skills and concept gaining of biology at several learning models

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Ardila, C. (2013). Hubungan Keterampilan metakognitif terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi dan Retensi Siswa Kelas X dengan Penerapan Strategi Pemberdayaan Berpikir Melalui Pertanyaan (PBMP) di SMAN 9 Malang [The Correlation  between metacognitive Skills and the Biology Learning Results, metacognitive Skills and Retention of Class X Students at the Implementation of Thinking Empowerment by Questioning (TEQ) Learning In State Senior High School 9 Malang]. (Unpublished thesis). State University of Malang, Malang, Indonesia.

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