Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 18, Issue 1, Article 1 (Jun., 2017)
Bea Hana SISWATI and Aloysius Duran COREBIMA
Study on the correlation between metacognitive skills and concept gaining of biology at several learning models

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The results of this research reveal that the correlation between metacognitive skills and concept gaining of one learning model or several learning models will always be the same (e.g. producing a linear correlation). If it was found that there was not any significant correlation between metacognitive skill variable and concept gaining variable, it should be related with a particular cause in that condition which caused such results. Some factors which possibly causes the correlation to be not significant is, for example, the data distribution is too narrow, the sample used too small, measurement errors, and the other situations that may occur during the learning process (e.g. lack of conducive learning environment). The implication for future researches investigating the correlation between metacognitive skills and concept gaining is that those reseaches should aim to reveal the contribution amount of the metacognitive skills to the concept gaining, not aim to determine whether or not there is a correlation between the two variables. The research investigating the contribution of the predictor to the criterium is believed to be necessary because the amount of contribution related will vary caused by various factors.

One of the factors that can be revealed, for example, is related to the students’ characteristics (high academic ability and low academic ability). Another finding of this research is that the learning models examined in this research have been proven to improve the metacognitive skills of low academic ability students, so as to have an effect on the students’ concept gaining. If a particular school or class has many low academic ability students, it is expected that teachers implement the learning models which have been proven to have potential in empowering the students' metacognitive skills.

Further study which aims at revealing the ideal factors in a particular learning model is necessary, so that the empowerment of students’ metacognitive skill can be more optimal; and so students’ concept gaining can be more optimal too. Teachers who pay attention to these factors when implementing the learning models that has been proven be potential are believed to provide consistently high results.


In order to uncover a more general picture of the correlation between metacognitive skills and concept gaining, further researches need to be conducted. The research can be carried out using a bigger number of samples, as well as can be conducted under different conditions, not only based on one learning model but also based on several learning models. Furthermore the researches can be conducted based on, for example, education level, grade level, academic ability, gender or ethnicity.



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