Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 14, Issue 1, Article 4 (Jun., 2013)
The functioning of context-based physics instruction in higher education

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The functioning of context-based physics instruction in higher education



Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, TURKEY


Received 30 Mar., 2013
Revised 18 Jun., 2013



The effects of the context-based approach have been discussed in educational settings as one of the innovative instructional approaches. Many countries throughout the world have implemented context-based physics projects or programs to make physics more relevant to students’ lives. This paper examined the effects of context-based physics instruction on undergraduate students’ achievement compared to traditional physics instruction at a university. Three topics were utilized: potential energy, kinetic energy, and rotational kinetic energy. Also, it was determined the effect of context-based physics instruction about students’ attitudes towards physics. And, it was investigated what students think they have gained with context-based physics instruction. The present study has both qualitative and quantitative dimensions in terms of using achievement test and the interview. The sample of this study consists of second year undergraduate students of Primary School Teaching Program. The findings from this study show the context based approach application on the subjects created no significant effect on students’ exam scores. However, students’ attitudes were positive.

Keywords: Academic achievement, context-based instruction, higher education, physics



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