Instructional Effectiveness of Simulation-centered Teaching in MBA Education Programs

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Principal Investigator
Dr. Lu Jiafang
Associate Director and Research Fellow of APCLC, The Education University of Hong Kong
Funding Source
Start-up Research Grant, EdUHK


The development of computer simulation as an effective learning tool must be built on solid and comprehensive theories and go through rigorous validation procedure. The major purpose of this project is to revise and test a large computer simulation on organizational change for managerial and leadership training in Chinese society. A computer simulation titled Making Change Happen™ (NETWORK Inc., 1997) is the core training medium that will be adopted in the study. In Making Change Happen, learners work in teams and act as a "change committee" responsible for implementing a major technology innovation in an organization. This project will employ a research and development approach (Borg & Gall, 1989) by involving a cycle of research activities and computer programming that includes the following: 

1) Research and information gathering, 
2) Planning objectives, learning activities, small-scale testing, 
3) Develop preliminary form of the product, 
4) Preliminary field testing, 
5) Main product revision, 
6) Main field testing, 
7) Operational product revision, 
8) Operational field testing, 
9) Final product revision, 
10) Dissemination and implementation. 

The project will have implications for both leadership development and research on organizational change. In terms of leadership development, SCT demonstrates a broad range of strengths that can’t be achieved within conventional teaching and training; it will also contribute to on-line and distance learning in the long run. In terms of research, development of computer simulation will make experiment study of organizational change possible. 


Hallinger, P., & Lu, J. F(2010). Learning to lead organizational change: Assessment of a problem-based simulation in Thailand. Educational Review. 62(4) 467-486.