Motivation of Scientific Researchers

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Dr. Lu Jiafang
Associate Director and Research Fellow of APCLC, The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor Kan SHI
Dr. Simon BAI
Professor Philip Hallinger
Professor Dean Tjosvold
Dr. Lynda Song
Funding Source
Academic Divisions, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The relationship between shared mental models and team performance: a field study based on the contingency model. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Ref. 70802059)


Around the world, substantial portions of government are invested every year to advance fundamental science research. In comparison with the emphasis on the fiscal aspect of management of scientific work, much less attention is given to the behavioral aspects of management issue. This project draws upon theories from management science, especially those found and verified in Research & Development departments of high technology industry, to investigate how the behavioral aspects of scientific work impact the performance, creative behavior, and occupational commitment of science workers. The project tests a series of theoretical models in delineating the impact of leadership type, team climate, and individual characteristics on the attitudes and behaviors of scientific workers.