School Leadersehip Teams that Work


Dr Lu Jiafang

Associate Director, Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change
Associate Head, Department of Education Policy and Leadership
The Education University of Hong Kong

Most educational research on school leadership have traditionally examined the roles of school principals alone. With the global movement towards decentralization of school governance, as well as the increasingly more ambitious but often ambiguous goals for school education, team-based school leadership is expected to function as a central engine for school effectiveness and continuous improvement. However, the forms and dynamics of team-based school leadership is rarely documented in the literature. Interview, experience sampling method (ESM) and triad online survey data from 14 local Hong Kong schools and 10 local Shanghai schools, in addition to online survey data from 12 international schools were collected and analysed. The findings of this research evinced the importance and potential of SLTs and identified key characteristics and strategies that make SLTs more effective.

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