Project Outputs

Research Reports

(2018 ) Cheng, W. , & Savelyeva, T. . Sustainability consciousness of Hong Kong Graduates; Phase II report. The  Education University of Hong Kong.

(2017).Fung, F., Savelyeva, T., & Douglas, W. Self-Perception of Sustainability Consciousness of Hong Kong Secondary School Graduates from Compulsory New Senior Secondary Liberal Studies Curriculum: Centre for Lifelong Learning Research and Develpment, The Education University of Hong Kong./upload/LSPHK/ECS_Report__Mar08-2.pdf 

(2015). Zhu, J., Savelyeva, T., & Douglas, W. Effect of Liberal Studies on Hong Kong Students’ Environmental Knowledge and Behaviour; Results from 2014 to 2015. Hong Kong: Centre for Lifelong Learning Research and Development, The Education University of Hong Kong./upload/LSPHK/CLLRD_Report_12_July_2015_V4_2.pdf

(2014). Zhu, J., Douglas, W., & Savelyeva, T. Effects of Liberal Studies on Hong Kong Students’ Environmental Knowledge and Behaviour. Hong Kong: Centre for Lifelong Learning Research and Development, The Education University of Hong Kong. /upload/LSPHK/CLLRD_Report_27_Aug_2014_V14.pdf



(2018). Stepping up the challenge: Fostering sustainability consciousness of Hong Kong students with New Senior Secondary Liberal Studies curriculum. In Kerry J. Kennedy and John. Chi-Kin Lee (Eds). International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in AsiaRoutledge.

(2017). Global consciousness and pillars of sustainable development: A study on self-perceptions of the first year university students.  International Journal of sustainability in Higher Education. 18(2), 218 - 241 (with W. Douglas). Emerald. DOI (Impact Factor 1.809).

(2017). Editorial to a Special issue on Sustainability Education in the Asia- Pacific region. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 18(2), 166-170. (with S. Rickards). Emerald. DOI (Impact Factor 1.809)

(forthcoming); Savelyeva, T. Liberal studies and sustainability in the Asia-Pacific: comparative study of Russia and Hong Kong, in T. Savelyeva and G. Fang (Eds).  Sustainable tertiary education in Asian and Eurasian contexts. Springer.

(forthcoming). Savelyeva, T. and Fang, G. Sustainable tertiary education in Asian and Eurasian contexts. Springer.


Media Debates and newspapers

(2018). Liberal Studies Reform (8:30 - 9:20). Backchat, RTHK, May, 4. (see also IELL News & Events)

(2018). 新高中通識課程為香港中學生帶來什麼轉變? Hong Kong Economic Journal, March 24. 

(2018). Schools raise sustainability-minded students. SingTao Daily. 

(2017). 題目︰新高中通識課程為香港中學生帶來什麼轉變? SingTao Daily, April 20. 

(2015). A matter of life or death: China's pollution dilemma. (with Einar Tangen and Steve. Tsang), Al Jazeera Inside Story, Al Jazeera.

(2014). 香港聯合國教科文組織協伙伴計劃「頌慶和平」. SIngTao Daily, April, 29.


Sample Interview with Al Jazeera English (December 24, 2015)

Interpretation: (source: IELL newsfeed)

Tamara Savelyeva, HKG, Einer Tangen, Beijing, and Steve Tsang, Nottingham are discussing China's pollution dilemma in an Al Jazeera show. Would China's political situation allow to “put a horse (people of China) ahead of a carriage (Chinese economy),” and solve its pollution problem with a long-term approach focused on education? Changing people's minds with solid environmental and liberal education rather than hi-tech technological advances and efficiency-based policies is a key to this process.