


本學系在教學中運用不同的網上學習平台,如Moodle 與 Mahara,大部分的課程均要求學生主動參與每週1至2小時的網上討論。學生透過這些平台,能重溫課堂筆記和影片,讓他們加深對課堂內容的理解,又能推廣自主學習,讓他們切磋砥礪與交流意見。



PSY2020 Human Development across the Lifespan
EPC5014 Foundations and Processes of Learning
PSY2050 Basic Psychology for Educators: Useful Concepts from Educational and Positive Psychology
PSY4900 Honours Project
PSY6011 Research Project in Psychological Studies


Being Chinese: Insights from Cross-Cultural Psychology

Dr Buchtel adopted innovative teaching practices in a course on Cultural Psychology based on her research on cultural stereotyping. To prevent students from misunderstanding research findings about cultural differences in psychology, the course content and activities of “Being Chinese: Insights from Cross-Cultural Psychology” were adapted to emphasise both the effects of cultural influences on psychology, as well as the diversity of individuals within cultures. To give students a real experience of explaining cultural differences in a non-essentialising way, she added online, cross-cultural interaction between students of EdUHK and the University of British Columbia. Positive impact on student learning, especially in terms of avoiding stereotyping, was evidenced.

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