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Prof GU, Mingyue Michelle

Prof GU, Mingyue Michelle

Dean (Graduate School)

Journal Publications


Korte, S., Cheung, W., Maasilta, M., Kong, S., Keskitalo, P., Wang, L., Lau, C., Lee, J., Gu, M. (2024). Enhancing artificial intelligence literacy through cross-cultural online workshops. Computers and Education Open, 6, 100164. (ESCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.1)
Jiang, L., Zhou, N., Gu, M.*, & Li, X*. (2024). Exploring student motivation and engagement in EMI: A latent profile analysis. Language and Education, 1-19. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 2.1) (A)
Gu. M., Jiang, L., & Chiu, M. (2024). Translanguaging, motivation, learning, and intercultural citizenship among EMI students: A structural equation modelling analysis. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 100, 101983. (SSCI, Q1 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, impact factor: 2.4) (A)
Lu, C., & Gu, M.* (2024). Review of research on digital translanguaging among teachers and students: A visual analysis through CiteSpace. System, 123, 103314. (SSCI, Q1 in Linguistics, impact factor: 6)
Lu, C., & Gu, M.* (2024). A systematic review and meta-analysis of factors and outcomes of digital citizenship among adolescents. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 1-16. (SSCI, Q2 in Education, impact factor: 1.7) (B)
Zheng, Y., Gao, X. A., McKinley, J., Rose, H., Sahan, K., Zhou, S., Li, J., Prada, J., Gu, M., Ou, W., Nguyen, H.T.M., Hguyen, H.T.T., Starfield, S., Hoang, T., Melo-Pfeifer, S., Lin, A. M. Y. (2024). Researching multilingually to rethink EMI policy and practices. Language Teaching, 57(1), 132–138. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 3.6) (A*)
Ou, A. W., & Gu, M. (2024). Teacher professional identities and their impacts on translanguaging pedagogies in a STEM EMI classroom context in China: a nexus analysis. Language and Education, 38(1), 42-64. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 2.1) (A*)
Guo, X., & Gu, M.* (2024). Whose English gets paid off?—Neoliberal discourses of English and ethnic minority students’ subjectivities in China. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 28(1), 65-84. (SSCI, Q2 in Linguistics, impact factor: 1.9) (A*)
Gu, M., Chiu, M., Li, Z. (2023). Adult ethnic minorities’ mainstream language proficiencies: Cultural knowledge, cultural identification, and language use attitudes. Language, Culture and Curriculum. (SSCI, Q1 in Linguistics and Language, impact factor: 2.214) (A)
Yu, L., Gu, M., & Chan, K. (2023). Hong Kong adolescents’ participation in political activities: Correlates of violent political participation. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 18, 1365-1405. (SSCI, Q1 in Social Sciences, impact factor: 3.4) (A)
Yu, L, & Gu, M. (2023). Hong Kong Adolescents' Participation in Political Activities: Correlates of Violent Political Participation. Applied Research in Quality of Life. (SSCI, Q1 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, impact factor: 3.447) (A)
Zhang, S., Gu, M., Wang, S., & Jin, T. (2023). Digital literacy competence, digital literacy practices and teacher identity among pre-service teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 1-15. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.0) (A) 

Van Viegen, S., Lau, S., Gu, M. (2023). 20 years of critical inquiry in language studies. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 20(1), 1-3. (Q1, A)

Yu, L, Gu, M. & Chan, K.L. (2023). Hong Kong Adolescents' Participation in Political Activities: Correlates of Violent Political Participation. Applied Research in Quality of Life. (SSCI: 3.447)
Gu, M.*, Han, Y., & Tang, L. (2022). Family language policy in a multilingual Mongolian family in China: A Multi-level perspective. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. (SSCI, Q1 in Cultural Studies, impact factor: 2.814) (A*)
Gu, M.*, Jiang, L., & Ou, W. (2022). Exploring the professional teacher identity as ethical self-formation of two multilingual native English teachers. Language Teaching Research. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 3.899) (A*)
Jin, T., Jiang, Y., Gu, M., & Chen, J. (2022). “Their encouragement makes me feel more confident”: Exploring peer effects on learner engagement in collaborative reading of academic texts. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 60, 1-13. (SSCI, Q1 in Education and Linguistics and Language, impact factor: 2.811) (A*)
Gu, M., & Huang, F. (2022). Transforming habitus and recalibrating capital: University students’ experiences in online learning and communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. Linguistics and Education. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 1.592) (A)
Gu, M., Lee, C-K-J., Jin, T. (2022). A trans-languaging and trans-semiotizing perspective on subject teachers’ linguistic and pedagogical practices in EMI programmes. Applied Linguistics Review. (SSCI, Q1 in Language and Linguistics, impact factor: 2.655) (A)
Jiang, L., Gu, M.*, & Fang, F. (2022). Multimodal or multilingual? Native English teachers’ engagement with translanguaging in Hong Kong TESOL classrooms. Applied Linguistics Review. (SSCI, Q1 in Language and Linguistics, impact factor: 2.655) (A) (corresponding author)
Ou, W., Hult, F., & Gu, M. (2022). Language policy and planning for English medium instruction in higher education. Journal of English as the Medium of Instruction.
Gu, M., Guo, X., & Lin, Y. (2022). Negotiating scale and mobility: Transnational Koreans in Shanghai. International Journal of Multilingualism. (SSCI, Q1 in Language and Linguistics, impact factor: 2.714) (A*)
Jiang, L., & Gu, M. (2022). Understanding youths’ civic participation online: A digital multimodal composing perspective. Learning, Media and Technology. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.682) (A*)
Jiang, L., & Gu, M. (2022). Toward a Professional Development Model for Critical Digital Literacies in TESOL. TESOL Quarterly. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 3.692) (A*)
Ou, W., Gu, M.* & Lee, C-K-J. (2022). Learning and communication in online international higher education in Hong Kong: ICT-mediated translanguaging competence and virtually translocal identity. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. (SSCI, Q1 in Cultural Studies, impact factor: 2.814) (A*) (*corresponding author)
Gu, M., Chiu, M., & Li, Z. (2021). Acculturation, perceived discrimination, academic identity, gender and Chinese language learning among Ethnic Minority Adolescents: A structural equation modeling analysis. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 1-15. doi: 10.1080/13670050.2021.1920882 (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.159) (A*)
Gu, M., & Yu, L. (2021). An investigation of citizenship construction among students in higher education: A Foucauldian perspective. Higher Education. 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s10734-021-00754-z (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.634) (A*)
Ou, W., & Gu, M.* (2021). Competence Beyond Language: Translanguaging and Spatial Repertoire in Teacher-student Interaction in a Music Classroom in an International Chinese University. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 1-18. doi: 10.1080/13670050.2021.1949261 (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.159) (A*) (*corresponding author)
Ou, W., Gu, M.*, & Hult, F. M. (2021). Discursive ripple effects in language policy and practice: Multilingualism and English as an academic lingua franca in transnational higher education. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 44(2), 154-179. (Q1 in Language and Linguistics, impact factor: 0.27) (C) (*corresponding author)
Gu, M., & Han, Y. (2021). Exploring family language policy and planning among ethnic minority families in Hong Kong: Through a socio-historical and processed lens. Current Issues in Language Planning, 22(4), 466-486. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 1.523) (A)
Wei, C., Gu, M.*, & Jiang, L. (2021). Exploring family language policymaking of internal migrant families in contemporary China: Negotiating habitus, capital and the social field. Current Issues in Language Planning. 1-23. doi: 10.1080/14664208.2021.2013062 (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 1.523) (A) (*corresponding author)
Gu, M. (2021). Identity Construction and Scale Making of Migrant University Students in Multilingual Settings: A Scalar Analysis. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24 (3), 357-372. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2018.1465887. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.159) (A*)
Ou, A., & Gu, M.* (2021). Language socialization and identity in intercultural communication: Experience of Chinese students in a transnational university in China. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24 (3), 419-434. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2018.1472207 (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.159) (A*) (*corresponding author)
Gu, M., Li., Z., & Jiang, L. (2021). Navigating the instructional settings of EMI: A spatial perspective on university teachers’ experiences. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. (SSCI, Q1 in Cultural Studies, impact factor: 2.814) (A*)
Liu, X., Gu, M., & Jin, T. (2021). Strategy use in collaborative academic reading: Understanding how undergraduate students co-construct comprehension of academic texts. Language Teaching Research. doi: 10.1177/13621688211025688 (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 3.899) (A*)
Guo, K., Gu, M., & Jin, T. (2021). Evaluating sources of evidence for argumentative writing: A collaborative learning design. TESOL Quarterly, 55(3), 1060-1070. doi: 10.1002/tesq.3025 (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 3.692) (A*)
Gu, M., & Tong, H. K. (2021). The representation of multilingualism and citizen identity in a series of public service advertisements. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24(6), 855-867. doi: 10.1080/13670050.2018.1521367 (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.159) (A*)
Ou, W., Gu, M.,* & Hult, F. (2020). Translanguaging for Intercultural Communication in International Higher Education: Transcending English as a Lingua Franca. International Journal of Multilingualism, 1-19. (SSCI, Q1 in Language and Linguistics, impact factor: 2.714) (A) (*corresponding author)
Gu, M., Lee, J. C-K., Lai, C. (2020). Neo-liberal paradox of teaching among ESL teachers of ethnic minority students in Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. (SSCI, Q1 in Cultural Studies, impact factor: 2.814) (A*)
Gu, M., & Tong, H-K. (2020). Constructing classed linguistic practices across borders: Family language policy in South(east) Asian families in Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 41(7), 581-599. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Cultural Studies, impact factor: 2.814) (A*)
Ou, W., & Gu, M.* (2020). Negotiating language use and norms in intercultural communication: Multilingual university students’ scaling practices in translocal space. Linguistics and Education. 1-11. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 1.592) (A) (*corresponding author)
Gu, M., & Lee, J. C-K. (2020). Migrating capital and habitus: the extended space of female transnational migrants in Hong Kong. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43(10), 1833-1853. doi: http://dx.doi/full/10.1080/01419870.2019.1671596 (SSCI, Q1 in Anthropology, impact factor: 3.211) (A*)
Lai, C., Gu, M., Gao, F. & Yung, J.W.S. (2020). Motivational mechanisms of ethnic minorities’ social media engagement with mainstream culture. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-17. doi: 10.1080/01434632.2020.1738442 (SSCI, Q1 in Cultural Studies, impact factor: 2.814) (A*)
Gu, M., & Lai, C. (2019). From Chungking Mansions to Tertiary Institution: Acculturation and language practices of an immigrant mother and her daughter. Linguistics and Education, 52, 52-60. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 1.592) (A)
Gu, M.& Lee, J. C-K. (2019). "They lost internationalization in pursuit of internationalization": Students' language practices and identity construction in a Cross-disciplinary EMI programme in a university in China. Higher Education, 78(3,) 389-405. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-018-0342-2. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.634) (A*)
Gu, M., & Lai, C. (2019). An ethical analysis of how ESL teachers construct their professional identities through the use of information technology in teaching. British Educational Research Journal, 45(5), 918-937. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 2.75) (A*)
Feng, F., Long, Y., & Gu, M. (2019). 大學生學術英語演講論證能力發展的個案研究. 外語界, 5, 39-47 (CSSCI, impact factor: 3.416)
Gu, M., Guo, X., & Lee, J. C-K. (2019). The interplay between ethnic identity and academic identity construction among South Asian students in Hong Kong tertiary education. Higher Education, 78(6), 1109-1127. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.634) (A*)
Gu, M., Kou, Z., & Guo, X. (2019). Understanding Chinese language teachers’ language ideologies in teaching South Asian students in Hong Kong. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 22(8), 1030-1047 doi: 10.1080/13670050.2017.1332000 (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.159) (A*)
Gu, M., & Canagarajah, S. (2018). Harnessing the professional value of a transnational disposition: Perceptions of migrant English language teachers in Hong Kong. Applied Linguistics, 39(5), 718-740. doi:10.1093/applin/amw048. (SSCI, Q1 in Communication, Q1 in Linguistics and Languages; impact factor: 5.741; five-year impact factor: 5.374) (A*)
Gu, M., & Tong, H.K. (2018). The representation of multilingualism and citizen identity in a promotional video. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. DOI:10.1080/13670050.2018.1521367 (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.159). (A*)
Gu, M. (2018). Teaching students from other cultures: An exploration of language teachers’ experiences with ethnic minority students in Hong Kong. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 17(1), 1-15. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Anthropology, impact factor: 3.211) (A*) (*corresponding author)
Gu, M. (2018). Teaching students from other cultures: An exploration of language teachers’ experiences with ethnic minority students in Hong Kong. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 17(1), 1-15. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 1.37) (A*)
Guo, X. & Gu, M.* (2018). Exploring Uyghur University students’ identities constructed through multilingual practices in China. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21, 480-495. doi: 10.1080/13670050.2016.1184613. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.159) (A*) (*corresponding author)
Gu, M. (2017). Symbolic competence in multilingual interactions in a university setting: A complexity analysis. Multilingua, 36(1), 59-88. (SSCI, Q1 in Language and Linguistics, impact factor: 1.339) (A)
Gu, M., Mak, B., & Qu, X. (2017). Ethnic Minority Students from South Asia in Hong Kong: Language Ideologies and Discursive Identity Construction. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 37(3), 360-374. doi: 10.1080/02188791.2017.1296814 (SSCI, Q2 in Education, impact factor: 1.057) (B)
Gu, M. & Cheung, D. (2016).  Ideal L2 self, acculturation, and Chinese language learning among South Asian students in Hong Kong: A structural equation modelling analysis. System, 57, 14-24. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 3.167) (A*)
Guo, X. & Gu, M.* (2016). Identity construction through English language learning in intra-national migration: A study on Uyghur students in China. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(14), 2430-2447. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1205942. (SSCI, Q1 in Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous), impact factor: 5.34) (A*) (*corresponding author)
Guo, X., & Gu, M.* (2016). Negotiating identity and English performative competence: Uyghur students in tertiary education in China. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3(1), 4-16. (*corresponding author)
Lai, C., Gu, M., Hu, J. (2015). Understanding legitimate teacher authority in a cross-cultural teaching context: Pre-service Chinese language teachers doing teaching practicum in international schools in Hong Kong. Journal of Education for Teaching, 41(4), 417-434. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 1.978) (A)
Gu, M. (2015). A complex interplay between religion, gender and marginalization: Pakistani schoolgirls in Hong Kong. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38(11), 1934-1951. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Anthropology, impact factor: 3.211) (A*)
Gu, M., & Benson, P. (2015). The formation of English teacher identities: A cross-cultural investigation. Language Teaching Research, 19(2), 187-206. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 3.899) (A*)
Gu, M., & Qu, X. (2015). Ideological disqualification in language use: being newcomers in primary education. Research Papers in Education, 30(4), 506-522. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 2.624) (A)
Gu, M., Patkin, J., & Kirkpatrick, A. (2014). The dynamic identity construction in English as lingua franca intercultural communication: A positioning perspective. System, 46, 132-142. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 3.167) (A*)
Gu, M. (2014). From opposition to transcendence: The language practices and ideologies of students in a multilingual university. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 17(3), 310-329. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 4.159) (A*)
Gu, M. (2013). From pre-service to in-service teachers: A longitudinal investigation of the professional development of English language teachers in secondary schools. Educational Studies, 39(5), 503-521. doi: (SSCI, Q2 in Education, impact factor: 1.190) (B)
Gu, M. (2013). Cultural identity in teaching across borders: Mainland Chinese pre-service teachers in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 33(4), 407-423. doi: (SSCI, Q2 in Education, impact factor: 1.057) (B)
Gu, M., & Patkin, J. (2013). Heritage and identity: Ethnic minority students from South Asia in Hong Kong. Linguistics and Education, 24(2), 131-141. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 1.592) (A)
Gu, M., & Lai, C. (2012). Motivation and commitment: Pre-service teachers from Hong Kong and Mainland China at a training institute in Hong Kong. Teacher Education Quarterly, 39(3), 45-61. (B)
Gu, M., & Tong, H-K. (2012). Space, scale and languages: Identity construction of cross-boundary students in a multilingual university in Hong Kong. Language and Education, 26(6), 501-515. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 2.032) (A)
Gu, M. (2011). ‘I am not qualified to be a Honkongese because of my accented Cantonese’: Mainland Chinese immigrant students in Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 32(6), 515-529. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Cultural Studies, impact factor: 2.814) (A*)
Lai, C., & Gu, M. (2011). Self-regulated out-of-class language learning with technology. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 24(4), 317-335. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Computer Science Applications, impact factor: 4.789) (A*)
Gu, M. (2011). Cross-border pre-service teachers in Hong Kong: ‘To be or not to be integrated, that is the problem’. Journal of Education for Teaching, 37(2), 139-154. (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 1.978) (A)
Gu, M. (2011). Language choice and identity construction in peer interactions: Insights from a multilingual university in Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 32(1), 17-31. doi: SSCI, Q1 in Cultural Studies, impact factor: 2.814) (A*)
Gu, M. (2010). The discursive construction of college English learners’ identity in cross-cultural interactions. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: An International Journal, 7(4), 298-333 doi: (Q1 in Education, impact factor: 2.30) (A)
Gu, M. (2010). Identities constructed in difference: English language learners in China. Journal of Pragmatics, 42 (1), 139-152. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Linguistics and Language, impact factor: 1.476) (A)
Gu, M. (2010). National identity in EFL learning: A longitudinal inquiry. Changing English, 17 (1), 57-67. doi: (ESCI, Q1 in Cultural Studies, impact factor: 0.7) (A)
Gu, M. (2009). College English learners’ discursive motivation construction in China. System, 37 (2), 300-312. doi: (SSCI, Q1 in Education, impact factor: 3.167) (A*)
Gu, M. (2008). Identity construction and investment transformation: College students from non-urban area in China. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 18(1), 49-70. doi: (ESCI, Q3 in Communication, impact factor: 0.30) (C)


Book Chapters



Gu, M., & Tong, H.K. (2021). Multilingualism and Identity in Hong Kong Education After 1997. In George Noblit (Ed.), . Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.1538.


Gu, M. (2018). Family acculturation, parental style, and ethnic minority students’ identity construction in Hong Kong. In Y. Guo (Ed.), Home-School Relations: International Perspectives (pp. 155-174). Singapore: Spinger.


Gu, M. & Guo, X. (2017). Being Uyghur or Being Muslim? – Identity Construction of Tertiary-level Uyghur Students in China. In M. Mac an Ghaill & C. Haywood (Eds.), Schooling a ‘Suspect Community’: Education, neo-liberalism and Muslim students (pp. 179-198). London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Gu, M. & Qu, X. (2016). The discursive construction of college English learners’ motivation in China. In D. Singleton (Ed.), L2 selves and motivations in Asian contexts. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.


Gu, M. (2015). Identity re-construction in a new habitus: An investigation of the language-related educational experiences of immigrant Mainland Chinese students in a multilingual university in Hong Kong. In C. Ng, B. Fox & M. Nakano (Eds.), Reforming learning and teaching in Asia-pacific universities (pp. 77-94). Singapore: Springer.


Gu, M. (2013). Individuality in L2 identity construction: The stories of two Chinese learners of English. In P. Benson & L. Cooker (Eds.), The applied linguistic individual: Sociocultural approaches to identity, agency and autonomy (pp. 119-134). London: Equinox.


Gu, M. (2013). Language practices and transformation of language ideologies: Mainland Chinese students in a multilingual university in Hong Kong. In H. Haberland, D. Lønsmann & B. Preisler (Eds.), Language alternation, language choice and language encounter in international tertiary education (pp. 223-236). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.


Gu, M. (2008). Advancing an integrative theoretical framework for second language motivation research. In I. Guske & B. Swaffield (Eds.), Education landscapes in the 21st Century: Cross-cultural challenges and multi-disciplinary perspectives (pp. 82-100). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


  • Co-editor of Critical Inquiry in Language Studies (Q1) 
  • Co-editor of the Book Series of Critical Perspectives on Language, Mobility and International Education, Bloomsbury Publishing