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Cultural Integration
[GoodLife x Youtuber] 一個女仔去旅行 A Girls' Guide to Travel Alone




在GoodLife × Youtuber系列中,我們將邀請了不同的Youtuber跟學生分享他們的熱情和生活哲學,希望能啟發同學追尋自己熱愛的事。


暑假即將來臨,不少同學都有外遊或出外交流的計劃。我們今次邀請到旅游Youtuber - Redispolly,分享一下她作為Youtuber的故事,以及她在旅遊、創作及創業上的心得,教大家可以安心旅遊,亦可以從旅程中收獲更多!



時間:6 - 7 pm


講者:Redispolly (旅遊Youtuber)

語言:廣東話 (輔以現場英語傳譯)



為更有系統地記錄你於校園生活的參與、成就及貢獻,我們會將你參加本計劃的活動時數,記錄在你的「經驗學習及成就報告表 (ELAT)」之全球及文化增益範疇內。如欲了解有關「經驗學習及成就報告表 (ELAT)」的詳情,請瀏覽https://www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/campus_life/elat/


YouTube is undoubtedly a significant landmark of modern culture. By allowing users to upload their own videos, the boundary between creator and audience are broken. Some users take the opportunity and share their way of life through lens, and become famous Youtubers.


In GoodLife × Youtuber series, we will invite different Youtubers to share their story and thoughts. From all these fascinating stories, we wish to inspire student to follow their passions.


It’s almost summer, many students may have the plan of taking overseas trips. We have invited Redispolly, a popular travel Youtuber, to share her tips and thoughts on Solo Travel and how to yield the most from the trip.


Date: 27 Mar 2023 (Mon)

Time: 6 - 7 pm

Platform: Zoom

Guest: Redispolly (Travel Youtuber)

Language: Cantonese(with English intrepratation)

Sign Up: https://eduhk.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Wq40fMklVbUIaq


ELAT hours will be given to participants of this activity. For details of the ELAT, please visit: https://www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/campus_life/elat


我是一位熱衷旅行的旅遊YouTuber ,透過拍攝旅行影片與大家分享我的經歷。 旅行作品系列包括《一個女仔去非洲》、《一個女仔去南極》和《一個女仔去中南美》等。 在這些旅行系列中,到訪了許多壯麗的地方,包括非洲的肯亞馬賽馬拉大草原、南極半島和南喬治亞,以及中南美的許多國家和地區。


我還創立了自家設計品牌Just Like This ,產品的設計圍繞着以上的旅行系列,希望令旅行影片更加完整,讓觀眾透過產品可以更認識當地,還可以帶出一些保育的信息。


A travel Youtuber and fashion desginer based in Hong Kong. She visited Africa, South Pales and Central and South America alone and shared her unforgettable experience on Youtube.