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University Policy on Research & Development

Given the fast pace of education development in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the Asia-Pacific Region, the university continues to adopt a research and development (R&D) philosophy that defines excellence as encompassing scholarship, professionalism, and services (through knowledge transfer) to the community and the teaching profession, not only locally but also internationally. Our new and far-reaching concept of education plus, is also being applied to broaden the scope of research and promote multi-disciplinary research for the development and innovation of education and beyond.

Within this philosophy, we are maintaining the highest standards of scholarship, teaching and service through the R&D activities of our academic staff, placing a special focus on educational development and innovation at the early childhood, primary and secondary levels, as well as in the ongoing process of lifelong learning.

University's Guidelines on Ethics in Research and Procedures for Ethical Review

Quality Assurance Measures on R&D