Presentations in Major Conferences
By Professor Stephen Y. L. Cheung
SBS, JP, Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques
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In the year of 2002
17-18 December 2002Topic中 國 證 券 市 場 的 未 來 發 展 和 挑 戰
Seminar促 進 內 地 與 香 港 經 濟 共 同 繁 榮 學 術 研 討 會
Organiser中 國 經 濟 社 會 研 究 會
China Economic and Social Council (CESC)
LocationShenzhen, PRC
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13-14 December 2002Topic公 司 管 治 : 亞 洲 的 經 驗
Seminar台 灣 民 營 銀 行 發 展 經 驗 教 訓 及 對 大 陸 的 啟 示 學 術 研 討 會
OrganiserFudan University
LocationShanghai, PRC
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4 December 2002TopicImportance and Position of Research in Hong Kong
SeminarPostgraduate Research Expo 2002 - New Research Era
OrganiserCityU Postgraduate Association (CUPA)
LocationHong Kong, PRC
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29 October 2002TopicCorporate Governance and Financial Reforms in Asia
ConferenceInternational Symposium: Asian Economic Dynamism in the Age of Globalization
OrganiserLingnan University
LocationHong Kong, PRC
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9 September 2002Topic香 港 金 融 制 度 及 市 場 之 運 作
To領 導 幹 部 經 濟 管 理 研 修 班
OrganiserLiaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR
Academic Exchange Office, City University of Hong Kong
LocationHong Kong, PRC
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11-13 August 2002TopicNew Capital Accord - Basel II: Challenges for the Asia-Pacific Region
SessionRisk Management and the Regulatory Systems
ConferencePECC Finance Forum Conference: Issues and Prospects for Regional Cooperation for Financial Stability and Development
OrganisersPacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)
Co-hosted byKorea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (KOPEC)
Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC)
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (FIMA) Research Center, University of Hawaii
East-West Center
LocationHonolulu, Hawaii
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27 July 2002TopicImproving Kwun Tong Industrial Buildings: Creation of Business and Employment Opportunities
OrganiserKwun Tong District Council
LocationHong Kong, PRC
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24-25 July 2002PaperThe Impact of Japanese Yen Exchange Rates on the East Asian Markets during the Asian Financial Crisis
ConferenceAsian Crisis, IV: The Recovery and the Rest of the World
OrganisersNational Taiwan University
Research Center for International Economics
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