Towards A Paradigm Shift for A New Model of Alternative Assessment


To initiate discussion on a paradigm shift to a new assessment model, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) are conceiving a project to try out some innovative assessment approaches in the coming academic year.

We hope that this project will be an active response to a learning environment where assessment is not only confined by subject domain knowledge but also its application. In such an environment, students often engage in inquiries into, and problem solving of, discipline-related scenarios. In the process, they put their subject domain knowledge to test, and develop generic competencies.

This website serves as a hub of project resources and latest news.

What's new?

The upcoming sharing session will be held on 8 July which would be conducted by Mr Mike Hin Leung CHUI (EdUHK) and Ms Belinda ESTERHAMMER(HKBU). This sharing session highlights the application of authentic assessment in STEAM and Entrepreneurial education, emphasizing real-world challenges to boost student engagement and learning outcomes.

For details about the seminar, please visit: