
Tutor on-line website: www.eTVonline.tv


Questions of all kinds flash across the computer screens. Some of them arise from within the school syllabus. Others are just the wild thoughts of some brave little minds. Tutors-on-line will, however, immediately pick up their calculators and reference books, search the Internet, or discuss with their comrades in order to find an answer. Once they get the answer, they channel it back to the student immediately. Some students might become rather impatient after waiting for a while and send in another mail, "Tutor, please! Please be quick!" If the tutors still cannot find the answer, they will tell the students to leave their questions on the "Message Board", a web page on which off duty tutors can lend a helping hand.

Who are these "tutors"?
These tutors-on-line are based in Block A of the HKIEd student hostels. Anonymous on line, their "true identity" is a group of enthusiastic HKIEd students who are eager to help the secondary and primary students of Hong Kong troubled by problems with their homework. Since October last year, these "tutors" have volunteered to work for the "Tutor-on-line" programme, which was organised by Radio Television Hong Kong and co-sponsored by the Hong Kong Institute of Education.


The "Tutor-on-line" programme has two sections - the "Daily Tutor-on-line" and the "Message Board". The first section is open for two hours daily. A group of prospective teachers stands by on line to assist students with questions regarding their homework, or exchange information or helpful learning tips with them. The "Message Board" provides a 24-hour internet service where students can post questions at anytime and wait for answers from the tutors.
