More than simply a trainer of teachers

What is required, Dr Pang feels, is a change of mind-set within the government, one that recognises the need for the three 'Is' and the vital role that HKIEd can play in all of them if it is viewed as a full teacher education provider rather than simply a trainer of teachers.

Dr Pang was responsible for overseeing the development of HKIEd's Strategic Plan, Strategy 2000. "The Institute is now able to offer appropriate initial education with its BEd and PGDE programmes. But this is only the beginning," he says.




With induction, he sees schools taking the lead and the Institute assisting through the training of mentors and the development of resource materials. For in-service, it must be a full partnership, with the Institute providing both centrally based courses and strong school-based support.

Farewell Dr. Pang

Staff and students of the Institute, as well as children from the affiliated schools, gather at the Central Plaza to bid Dr Pang farewell