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Message from the President of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society

*** Welcome to the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society [APES] ***

Dear Colleagues,

I write this message from Prof. Hitoshi Ohta lab, with whom I am staying on a fruitful Visiting Professorship this January. Let me take this opportunity to introduce the Society to you and brief you on the current activities. For the benefit of some of you let me recall that the APES came into existence at the Inaugural Meeting held during the 1st Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium held at the City University of Hong Kong, in January 1997. The APES has become an Affiliate Society of the International EPR/ESR Society (IES) in March 1999. Under the auspices of APES, a series of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposia and some satellite meetings were held, as follows:

2nd : APES'99 - Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, October 31 - November 4, 1999; with Prof. Yuanzhi XU as the Chairman of the Local Organising Committee (LOC).

3rd : APES¡¦01 - Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, October 29 - November 1, 2001; with Prof. A. Kawamori as the Chairperson and Prof. H. Ohta as the Secretary of the LOC.

During APES'01 the 3rd General Meeting of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society was held. The 26 APES members present elected the new APES Council for the period 2001 - 2003 as follows:


Prof. Czeslaw Rudowicz (Hong Kong, SAR)


Prof. S.V. Bhat (India)


Prof. H. Ohta (Japan)


Dr . Y.Y. Yeung (Hong Kong, SAR)


Position of Treasurer was not required for this term.

Country Representatives:

Dr. G. Hanson (Australia/New Zealand)

Prof. J. Yamauchi (Japan)

Prof. Y. Li (Peoples¡¦ Republic of China)

Prof. K.P. Mishra (India)

Prof. S.O. Kang (Republic of Korea)

Prof. T.T. Nguyen (Vietnam)

Prof. A. M. Ziatdinov (Russia - Far East)

I hope all participants will join me in expressing my sincere thanks to all Colleagues who put tremendous effort in organising the previous APE Symposia. All Symposia were very well attended and provided an excellent opportunity to present own results as well as learn from others about all aspects of recent developments in EPR/ESR, i.e., in general, EMR. Participants have also benefited from useful interactions among practitioners, meeting old friends, and making new collaborative links. This is the major advantage of participating in the Symposia and satellite meetings.

It is my pleasure to invite you to the forthcoming APES¡¦03 in Bangalore and the Satellite School in Mumbai. As you may see from the 1st Announcements, the organization of both events is progressing very well. I take this opportunity to congratulate Prof. S.V. Bhat, Chairman of the APES¡¦03 LOC, and Dr K.P.Mishra, Chairman of the School LOC, as well as their respective teams on the commitment and hard work.

Summary of other activities of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society and their current status will be presented and discussed at the 4th APES General Meeting in Bangalore. Hence, I kindly urge each APES member to make effort to attend the APES'03 and contribute her/his voice to the discussion on the future of our Society.

Note that the membership of the APES is free and open to all researchers from the Asia-Pacific region who are active in the EPR/ESR area or have an interest in the applications of the EPR/ESR techniques. A strong Society would suit well our regional needs and ensure that a better coordination of our efforts can be achieved. I hope that all eligible Colleagues who are not yet the APES Members will take this opportunity and join the Society. A new Membership Application/Update Form (also available on the APES Web site) is attached. Please pass on a copy of the Form to all interested colleagues. If there are any changes in your existing data, please fill in the Form and return to Prof. H. Ohta, Vice-President, who recently kindly took up the responsibility for the membership matters [Molecular Photoscience Res. Ctr, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan; <ohta@phys.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp>].

Czeslaw Rudowicz


The Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society Kobe / Hong Kong, January 2003

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Last updated: 30-01-2003