Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society [APES]

Membership Application / Update Form

(Internet Version. Microsoft Word file is also available for downloading)

Please tick boxes or select items as appropriate. For updating, only fill in the changed items.

SURNAME: INITIALS : (OR full First/Given name)






FAX: Email: (Please use small letters)

I am a Founding Member of theAsia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society (participants at the Inaugural APES Meeting held at

City University in Hong Kong during the 1st APES'97):

I would like to join the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society as:

Other EPR-related Societies membership:

IES ISMAR European Fed. of EPR Societies National EPR Group

Others (please specify):

Directory of EPR/ESR Facilities - general information about your research group:

Head of the group:


Research interests are in the applications of EPR/ESR in the following area(s) :

biology life and medical sciences earth and environmental sciences chemistry
physics materials science theoretical foundations of EPR/ESR computational aspects

Others (please specify):
 Spin systems mostly studied: Ions/Species:

Recent representative publications (up to 3):

Available EPR spectrometer - Model/manufacturer :

CW spectrometer: frequencies: gaussmeter: freq. counter:

Maximum B [T]: Min/Max T [K]: Variable T facility:

Pulsed spectrometer: EPR ; ENDOR; ELDOR; Others:


Ancillary equipment: irradiation capabilities ; single crystal orientation ; freeze quench; stop flow

EPR computer simulation software (capabilities/functionality):

Any other comments and suggestions :

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Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society
Please contact Webmaster for feedback. Last updated: 12-4-2000