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  Affiliation to the IES
  1. Affiliation to the Society can be applied for by any local EPR/ESR society which is already in existence or which is about to be formed.
  2. In any affiliation the IES remains the sovereign Society, and the affiliated one is subject to all of its rules and by-laws. It may, if so wished, establish further ones of its own.
  3. The object of affiliation is to allow local societies to benefit from being associated with the world-wide EPR/ESR community represented by the IES, and from its contacts, publications, publicity, advertisements, etc.
  4. The role of the affiliated society is to extend the influence and availability throughout the world of the IES, and to provide those services most appropriate to the local membership, for example in helping to arrange conferences and summer schools.
  5. In accepting affiliated societies the IES is mindful of their possible impact on similar societies already established in the same general area of the world. The IES will not accept any society as an affiliated one which might affect the well-being of these preexisting affiliated ones, or the interests, including financial interest, of the IES itself. 
  6. The decision as to whether to apply for affiliation must be made by the local society under whatever rules and regulations it itself has.
  7. The local society itself will normally be responsible for the dissemination of information concerning the IES to its members and for facilitation communications of individual members with the IES.
  8. To be accepted as an affiliated society, at least one half of the members of the local society should be members of the IES. However, membership of a local society by an individual is not a prerequisite for membership of the IES.
  9. Each affiliated society is required to provide a local treasurer responsible for collecting the dues from its members in local currency and transferring the total in a single currency exchange at least once a year to the Treasurer of the International EPR Society.
  10. All IES members in developed countries pay the standard membership fee of US$30 ( or its local equivalent) per annum, but the Society will consider proposals for levels of fees from other parts of the world which are deemed reasonable by the local treasurer. Members in a number of countries benefit from this arrangement and receive the full privileges of membership notwithstanding. Any members in local societies benefiting in this way are, however, expected to pay in full fee. In the meantime the IES is pleased to accept those members who benefit from membership without being able to pay this.
  11. All publicity for conferences etc. arranged locally will be published free of charge in the Newsletter, and the IES will be pleased to allow its name to be used in assisting the organization and funding of such meetings; at present it is unable to offer financial support. The organizers will be able to request information from the database to aid arranging and advertising such meetings.

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