
Research and Publication Experience Sharing cum Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

The Graduate School organised the Research and Publication Experience Sharing cum Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration for RPg and EdD students on 17th September 2021. Nearly 120 students attended the event in person and through ZOOM online.

Prof John Trent, the RPg Programme Director, hosted the session and guided 12 Publication Awardees to share their research and publication experiences with their fellow doctoral students. The sharing covered themes such as challenges in writing and publication processes, how to address reviewers’ comments, tips on paper submission, and ways to deal with getting rejections. Congratulations to all the awardees of the Postgraduate Students Publication Awards Scheme!


Prof John Trent, the RPg Programme Director (middle), was hosting the sharing session with the awardees of the Postgraduate Students Publication Awards Scheme (from left to right) Mr. Norman Mendoza, Mr. Mulvey Benjamin Joseph, Mr. Lee King Cheung Calvin, Ms. Jiang Yufei and (in Zoom) Ms. Liu Cuina, Ms. Shi Lan and Mr. Song Lei.


(From left to right) Mr. Po Ho Fai, Ms. Yu Liyan, Prof John Trent (RPg Programme Director), Prof Lo Sing Kai (Dean of Graduate School), Mr. Wang Lei, Ms. Sun Xiujuan and Ms. Tao Sisi.


Nearly 120 students attended the event in person and through ZOOM online.