General Education Interdisciplinary Courses
Under the new curriculum from 2019/20 cohorts onwards, a new key component, namely GE Interdisciplinary Course (GEIC), will be integrated into the GE Breadth Courses and available to students from Year 2 Semester 2 to Year 3 Semester 1. Students need to complete any General Education Breadth Learning Strands (GELS) course or Positive and Values Education (PAVE) course before taking GEICs (No pre-requisite for Senior Year Entrants).
In Semester 1, 2020/21, three GEICs are to be offered as pilots for the new curriculum. Year 3 or above students from the cohorts in 2018/19 and before are encouraged to enroll in these pilot GEICs. Students are free to claim substitutes for any strand of the GEBCs with a maximum of 6 cps after completion of the pilot run(s) of GEIC and/ or ELC.


Please click here for the details of GEICs timetable.

Course List
Course Code Course Title
GEI4001 STEM and its Application on Language Acquisition and Communication
GEI4002 Who Are the Educators in the 21st Century?
GEI4003 Ideals and Reality: Urban Environments
(Last updated on 19 June, 2020)