​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​June 2016

人文學院通訊 FHM Newsletter Congratulations to Professor Zhu Qingzhi (CHL), Dr. John Trent (ELE), Dr. Bidisha Banerjee (LCS), Dr. Chang Tsung Chi, Hawk (LCS), Dr. Lee Kwai Sang (LCS), Professor Yu Kwan Wai, Eric (LCS), Dr. Xie Qin (LML), Dr. Emily Anna Maria Ridge (LCS) and Dr. Yip Cheuk Wai (LCS) for their successful GRF/ECS proposals. 「抒情」概念與民國時期的古代文學研究: 以李商隱和黃仲則研究為例 Lyrical Conception in the Studies of Classical Chinese Literature in the Republican Period: With Special Reference to the Studies of Li Shangyin and Huang Zhongze Dr. Yip Cheuk Wai 葉倬瑋博士 General Research Fund 2015/16 2015至2016優配研究金 General Research Fun & Early Career Scheme 2015/16 24 Project Title 漢語代詞在歷史上幾個重要變化之動因研究 以佛教及佛經翻譯對漢語發展演變的影響為視角 The Identity Construction Experiences of Novice English Language Teachers in Hong Kong “Traces of the Real”: The Absent Presence of Photography in Postcolonial and Diasporic Literature The Invisible Women: Re-evaluating Lady Gregory and Her Works in Modern Irish Literature 看不見的女人:重新評估現代愛爾蘭文學中的格雷戈里 夫人及其作品 A Study of Chen Yinke’s Literary Thoughts and Practical Criticism 陳寅恪的文學觀念與實際批評研究 Engaging Everyday Modernity: Hong Kong Poetry in the 1970s 日常生活的現代性:一九七零年代香港新詩 Working Towards an iClinic: Developing a Suite of Diagnostic Language Testing Instruments for Academic Writing in English (DiaWrite) Houses of Friction: Late Modernism, the English Novel, and the Problem of Literary Hospitality Principal Investigator Prof. Zhu Qingzhi 朱慶之教授 Dr. John Trent Dr. Bidisha Banerjee Dr. Chang Tsung Chi, Hawk 張崇旂博士 Dr. Lee Kwai Sang 李貴生博士 Prof. Yu Kwan Wai, Eric 余君偉教授 Dr. Xie Qin 謝琴博士 Dr. Emily Anna Maria Ridge ELE LCS LML Early Career Scheme 2015/16 2015至2016優傑出青年學者計劃 LCS LCS LCS CHL LCS LCS