Fire Drills for North Point Study Centre 北角教學中心火警演習
Kindly be informed that the annual fire drills for the North Point Study Centre (NPSC) have been scheduled for Wednesday, 12th February 2025. The daytime drill and the evening drill will be conducted at around 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm respectively. The alarm bell will ring continuously during the drill and each drill is expected to be done in less than half an hour.
All staff and students in NPSC are expected to participate in the drill. On hearing the emergency alarm, please proceed to the designated assembly point located on Cheung Hong Street immediately outside the Centre’s entrance via the nearest fire exit. Do not return to the building until the notification of discharge is given by the staff-in-charge of the Estates Office or NPSC.
In case of inclement weather, the drill will be cancelled without further announcement and the fire alarm will not be sounded.
北角教學中心的年度火警演習已定於 2025 年 2 月 12 日 (星期三) 舉行。是次演習分為日間及夜間,分別於下午3時及7時舉行,於演習期間,消防系統將會持續發出警報聲響,而每項演習過程預計會於半小時內完成。