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Module Synopsis
In recent years, local education systems, policies and practices have increasingly been shaped by political, cultural and economic shifts taking place on a global scale. While globalization has sometimes been seen as a set of processes that would transcend political, economic, and cultural concerns of the state, history has instead demonstrated that the era of globalization has been marked by a complex negotiation between national and transnational interests. This course aims to enable students to understand and assess ways in which increasing global interconnectivity and interdependence has functioned to change education policy and practice in particular locations. Drawing on theories of globalization from a range of disciplinary perspectives, students will seek to understand varying conditions that have led to various forms of internationalization across the globe. Students will examine how and why local systems accept, adapt, resist, and transform global education designs. Through a focus on aspects of education ranging from local school practice to transnational policy imperatives, students will consider the ways in which national and global interests are negotiated and how the internationalization of education raises questions for the very notions of the local and global. While Hong Kong will serve as the primary context for understanding ‘the local’ in this course, other locales will also be explored in depth, for comparative and other purposes.