Correctional Services Department Chinese Traditional Arts Programme
The Education University of Hong Kong organized the “Chinese Traditional Arts Programme for the Correctional Services Department. 4 workshops on “Paper Cutting Technique”, “Seal Carving Workmanship”, “Chinese Knotting Skill” and “Mini Flower Stand Craft” were held in three institutions. Life stories were shared to allow youngsters to experience traditional art skills while understanding the connection between cultural heritage, society and the world, with aims to cultivate their positive values and attitudes, enhance the youth understanding of national education and their sense of national identity.
Prof. John Lee Chi Kin, President of the University and Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, together with Mr. Patrick Li Pak Chuen, Permanent Secretary for Security and Mr. Wong Kwok Hing, Commissioner of Correctional Services, officiated at the launching ceremony of the “Chinese Traditional Arts Programme ” cum “Cultural Market” on the day prior to Mid-Autumn Festival. The three honorable guests participated at different cultural stalls characterizing ancient paper-cutting, seal engraving, Chinese knotting, mini flower stand making, ancient sports, Chinese calligraphy, dough sculpture, Cantonese opera art display and traditional snacks.
Prof. Jim, Chi Yung, Chair Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, and Dr. Lobo Louie Hung Tak, Senior Lecturer and Associate Head of Department of Health and Physical Education (Internship and Community Collaboration), from EdUHK, attended the ceremony that day to show their support for the activities of the Center.
Prof. John Lee Chi Kin, President of the University and Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction (left), Mr. Patrick Li Pak Chuen, Permanent Secretary for Security (middle) and Mr. Wong Kwok Hing, Commissioner of Correctional Services, presided over the kick-off ceremony
Invited guests actively attended the launching ceremony of the “Chinese Traditional Arts Programme” cum “Cultural Market”
Prof. John Lee Chi Kin celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with all in paper cutting craft, shown on the left was Paper Cutting Artist Ms. Li Yunxia.