Dr. Cheng Nga Yee, Irene

Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences & Technology,
The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Presentation Topic:
Learning "system" concept and system thinking in interdisciplinary curriculum

Thinking in the modern world can no longer rely on isolated single linear cause-effect relationships. To cope with complicated problems in real world, students should learn how to make connections across different domains, understand the dynamic interactions among various elements, and build up holistic schema for analyzing issues and solving problems. "System" concept is one of the useful vehicles for constructing this kind of thinking schema, and this can be learnt from young age. This study proposes a school-based curriculum design, in which the learning of system concept and system thinking into the existing General Studies curriculum. The suggested pedagogy includes three learning stages, namely illumination, construction and application of the system concept. From comparing various systems (including solar and government systems; blood circulation and mass transit railway systems and the like) to the implementation of the whole curriculum in primary schools, concrete teaching methods are suggested. The talk would also discuss the rationales adopted in designing this curriculum, and display exemplars of its teaching materials. Teachers and educators are interviewed to solicit their professional opinions on the curriculum design, including its possible learning outcomes and the perceived obstacles in its implementation. The potentials and limitations of the proposed curriculum design would be further discussed.