Funded by the Faculty’s Targeted Research Exchange Scheme, Dr Kevin Yung visited the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) at Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany in May 2024. He discussed potential research collaborations with Dr Steve Entrich and his colleagues and doctoral students at IN-EAST. Dr Yung also shared the research and teaching directions on behalf of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I).
In reciprocation, Dr Entrich came to Hong Kong and visited C&I during in June 2024 to discuss further research partnerships. Dr Entrich gave a talk titled “Education in East Asia and the West: The Role of Shadow Education for Educational Success and Inequality” at EdUHK during his time with us on 6 June. The session was well attended by scholars and research students interested in shadow education. The next day, on 7 June, C&I also welcomed Dr Entrich to the Annual Departmental Conference. He co-presented with Dr Yung a paper titled "A Comparative Analysis of Shadow Education Systems: Insights from Hong Kong and Germany".
With this ongoing collaboration, Dr Yung and Dr Entrich are currently applying for grants supporting international collaborative research. Together, they are also working on various projects such as co-editing special issues and books on shadow education from the perspective of comparative education.