


Dr Kevin Yung invited by RTHK to adjudicate on a public speaking contest


Dr Kevin Yung, Assistant Professor from C&I, has been invited by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) to be an adjudicator of a public speaking contest The Speaker 2021. The programme is broadcast every Sunday evening at 8:00-8:30pm on RTHK Radio 2 from November 2020 to February 2021. In the contest, 150 contestants, who are secondary school students in Hong Kong, give a one-minute speech on the topic “Home” in English. Dr Yung comments on the contestants’ performance in the areas of content and organisation, voice and originality in the radio programme The Speaker. The episodes, accessible at the RTHK website, are excellent resources for the teaching and learning of public speaking in English.

Dr Kevin Yung has been involved in English language education via the mass media. He hosted a radio programme English in News at RTHK in 2013-2019. Over 200 episodes archived at its website are popular resources for teachers and students in Hong Kong and Mainland China to teach and learn English through news and social issues (see https://www.eduhk.hk/ci/en/highlights.php?id=4479&s=archive).

Dr Kevin Yung and Ms Gladys CHIU (Host)